Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bleh, Sniffle, Cough.

First - Caroline who sent an email wishing us all Happy New Year - thank you. I have been trying to reply but my email gets bounced back to me. Apparently my ISP routes through servers in the Netherlands that are also used by spammers, so your email has decided that everybody using those servers must be a spammer and is rejecting all traffic.. (Talk about sledgehammer/nut).

Next. No wonder I was grumpy last week, I was getting ready to be sick. Which is very annoying because I don't get sick. Injured, yes - but not sick. Except I am.

Oh it's not serious. It's only a head cold. But at the moment I'm in that alternatively sweating & shivering, sore throat, and I need another 6 boxes of tissues please, stage. And I can't afford to take any more time off work or I'm never going to be able to save enough for a trip to the USA!!

So I'm going to be really generous and go to work tomorrow and share my germs with everybody. Especially the plasterer. Who's a miserable git. Actually - I think he's the one that gave me the cold in the first place - he was sneezing for England last week.

At least it's stopped raining.


1 comment:

Caroline said...

Please don't take the email rejection personally! I'm losing lots of emails - I really need to change provider.