Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Trying New Fandoms

Well, not so much the whole fandom - just a writer or two.

As I mentioned yesterday, I'm stuck at home, getting bored and looking for stuff to keep me occupied. I ran out of new books to read, and I ran out of new fanfic in my fandoms. And although I love re-reading some of the stories in my fandoms sometimes I just want something new to read.

Well, I may be a fan of Star Trek TOS, and Next Gen, and I love DS9, and I have several (very much non-canon) 'ships in each of those, but I've never understood the appeal of Voyager. Woman-as-captain or no, I just could not get into the show. I could never see Kate Mulgrew as anything other than Mrs Colunbo. Nor could I get into any of the pairings. Absolutely no interest. I managed to read a kind of Xena Uber/Voyager crossover once but only because I liked the author's other Xena Uber stories. Apart from that - nope, couldn't raise any enthusiasm for it.

But I was bored. I needed new, free, stuff to read. So I went to check one of the sites on our list. Gina Dartt's fanfic website. I knew she mostly wrote Voyager stuff but I own a couple of books by her, and they're excellent. So I thought I'd give her Millennium series a go.

I love them. They are brilliant. I'm still not a Voyager fan. I still can't see the appeal of J/7 in general - but damn, these stories are good.

Someone said if I like these then maybe I should check or Fletcher DeLancey's Voyager stories next. I may just do that, after all, I read her blog.

But I've still got loads of Gina Dartt's stories to read first.

And no - they aren't going to make me a J/7 fan. Just a fan of their writing.

Enjoy your updates. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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