Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Rants: both minor and major.

Today is the beginning of Navaratri, we wish all our Hindu readers a good festival.

A rant about something of little or no importance, but which irritates the hell out of me.

Stuck at home and unable to do anything I get bored. I read a lot. Fanfiction and paid-for books. I also watch the occasional film. The dvd of Prometheus was released recently, I liked the film when I saw it at the cinema so I popped into town to see if the HMV shop had it. They did. The also had box-sets of the four Alien films alongside it. (Good marketing strategy). I've grown used to the awful title the gave that set. It still irritates - but it's been around long enough that I can (mostly) ignore it.

There were a whole lot more box-sets on the next shelf too. They had a special off on - anything from 15 to 40% reductions on various titles. Including a set of all four Die Hard movies.

And they'd done it again. Aaaaarrrrggghhhh.

Dear dvd makers - it is not a quadrilogy. There is no such bloody word as quadrilogy. Quadrilogy is an abomination. It sounds as though it was made up by that obnoxious little man in the Orange turn-your-phone-off adverts. Even spell-check does not recognise quadrilogy.

The word for four of something is quartet. Say it. Quartet. See - it's shorter, it's easier to spell, and it's been a perfectly good word for centuries. Bloody well learn to use it!!

Rant on more importance things.

An aeroplane landed in the UK yesterday. It carried a passenger in need of medical treatment. She will get the best medical care that we can give her. And, God willing, she will recover.

Her name is Malala Yousafzai. She is 14 years old. She was flown here from Pakistan.

She was shot in the head by a cowardly, despicable piece of excrement who does not deserve to breathe the same air that she does.

She was shot because she dared to want to learn. She committed the (to the piece of scum who shot her) unforgivable desire to get an education, and to tell the world that she wanted that education. What kind of person - in what kind of world - thinks that putting a gun to the head of a child is a reasonable thing?? Or that whatever god they believe in wants blood to be shed?? What part of "Thou shalt not kill" isn't clear??

She has more courage in a single strand of her hair than that piece of manure has in his entire body.

I hope she makes it. And I hope some day all girls in every country in the world can get as much education as they want. And that religion becomes about love - not hate. And that scum like that get their just deserts!!


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