Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Webbed Feet.

Much more of this flamin' rain and I'll have them. There are hosepipe bans across great swathes of southern England. They say we have a drought. (Really?? Have they looked at Africa lately?? That's drought. This is merely a bit dry in places.)

It was, apparently, the driest March for nearly 60 years, and since we use a hell of a lot more water these days (appliances, car-washing, general wastage, industry, and water companies not fixing leaks fast enough), there's a lot less available to draw on in the water table in the south-east of England.

Here in the south-west though April seems to be trying to compensate. It rained most of last week. It rain all weekend. And it's rained (oh boy has it rained) and hailed all this week.

Digging in the rain sucks. But at least it kept the kids away from the site over Easter.

Hope your weather is a trifle better. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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