Tuesday, April 17, 2012

100 Days

One hundred days to go.

Until what?? The Olympics of course. London 2012. The first (and only) time in my life that they will be held in the UK (I'm not old enough for previous times *g*). And yes - I have a ticket. I am so looking forward to this. I hope we put on a grand show. If you've read anywhere that British people don't care about the games, or have any kind of negative attitudes towards them - don't believe it.

Oh, I'm not saying everybody in the UK is excited. Or even interested. Those folk who have no interest whatsoever in sport of any description aren't suddenly going to become fans just because the Olympics are coming to town. But those of us who are fans of one or more sports, or just of sport in general are looking forward to the games.

It truly is a once-in-a-lifetime event.

I can't wait.


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