Monday, April 30, 2012


Set your calendars for this Thursday, May 3....
Mass Appeal - "FemShep" and Mass Effect Femslash

This week F4F Radio will boldly go where it hasn't before, to a galaxy far, far away. That's right, for the first time we're going into space - to play video games. The "Mass Effect" trilogy is one of the most successful console game series of the decade, and "Mass Effect 3" has certainly been the most prominent, most controversial game of 2012, thanks to an ending that has frustrated nearly everyone to beat the game. Once you get past the hoopla, though, you get a vastly entertaining action-RPG game that allows the player to initiate romantic storylines between the male (or female) hero, and various male and female supporting characters. Yes, that's right, since ME1 the female Commander Shepard could become involved with, among other people, the asari Liara T'Soni. Which, coincidentally, is the main pairing we'll be discussing tonight. Two of tonight's guests are best-known for their fanfics pairing "FemShep" with Liara - Rae D. Magdon, writer of the "Can Wait" series, and N.Q. Wilder, who wrote the "All Things Must Pass" trilogy. Our third and final guest has also written FemShep/Liara, but Sisirongana has spent more time on stories like "Blood From a Stone" for an (unfortunately) noncanon pairing, FemShep/Miranda Lawson.


Enjoy the updates!


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunburned and Tired

The day was long. Very. This event Spring Reign is huge. Teams internationally come to it. It is the largest youth tournament in the world. Let me say there were a lot of Frisbees flying yesterday. And I am thankful that my daughter is only in elementary school, hence only a one day event this year. Next year that all changes with two full days. I will be more prepared knowing what I am up against. It was really cool to see so many kids and games going and the main exhibition game in the evening was amazing. Who knew people could fly so easily and throw or catch a Frisbee doing so.

However I am thankful that Tamara decided to keep Cal and herself back here because I do believe Cal would have been extremely bored. This event was held in a small town an hour's drive north of us it would not have been a great day for them.

So today I rested and did a few chores, but mostly rested as tomorrow one returns to the usual.

Until later...enjoy your week and the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Tale of Two Saturdays

E and little e have been away all day at an ultimate frisbee tournament. Cal and I stayed home. I didn't think he could survive the boredom of an all day tournment. Actually I knew I couldn't handle Cal being bored at an all day tournament. We stayed home and he had a day long play date with a friend. All in all it was a very relaxing day. I don't think E and little e will have the same kind of Saturday. I expect them to roll in around 9 and crash.

Have at it.


Friday, April 27, 2012


Today is E's birthday. Wish her a nice one even though it's almost over.

Enjoy the updates!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

The End of the Work Week

I look forward to my day off tomorrow. Hopefully nice and quiet. I have to take the kiddo to school and then pick her up, but no other major plans and that is splendid. Work the last couple of weeks has been kicking me and I am ready to hate it a little less.

Have a great night and enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Today is ANZAC DAY. Marked in Australia, New Zealand, Cook, Pitcairn, Tonga, and Niue. Small acts of remembrance are also carried out here in the UK and in Canada. For our Australian and New Zealand readers - we remember with you. And we thank you.


So, why do they do this?? Fix stuff that isn't broken??

Facebook was fine - then they brought in Timelines which sucks. MySpace was good - and then they wrecked it. And now they've brought out an "improved" Blogger. Which is anything but. In fact it's a PITA. It may take me two or three attempts to get the updates looking halfway decent this evening. Bear with me.


More torrential rain today. We've had a month's rain in around four hours. The site is under water so we couldn't work. It's a flood plain, people, you were warned before we broke ground. That word - flood - together with plain - means ankle deep in water when it rains heavily.

There are still hosepipe bans in place because of the drought conditions though. Hosepipe bans. Are they joking?? Do they seriously think anybody is going to attempt to water their garden?? There's a flamin' monsoon out there!! The garden is awash. What kind of person stands in a sodden garden, in a monsoon, and wields a hose??

Bah, humbug. I'm cold, fed up with being wet, and I'm grumpy tonight. This weather is hell on my aches and pains. Hope you're having better weather. Enjoy your updates.

Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Swallows are Back

Bit short of reading matter tonight folks. Livejournal is down. Still, look on the bright side (and now I have a barely-controlled urged to burst into song - Monty Python song) at least there'll be a fair bit for you tomorrow.

The rain, (and hail) continues. Yesterday's weather was best described as appalling. It was impossible to work. At least there were a few sunny intervals between the downpours of rain today. During one of these sunny intervals a pair of swallows came dipping and whirling through the air above us. They're back. Summer is on the way at last.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Spring break...finally.

Spring break is finally here and we spent the day doing not much of anything. Tomorrow I'm taking Cal and a friend to a pool. Wednesday is sleepover night and Thursday Chuck E. Cheese lunch. Duncan is easy because he's happy to be left playing his Xbox until his eyes bleed. I'm enjoying time to read and sort through my comics.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Back to Work

Tomorrow brings another week and this one is going to be long. My daughter has ultimate frisbee practice most days after school so they are prepared for the Spring Reign tournament on Saturday. This means I work 3 extra hours each day and that sucks as going home and driving back here to pick her up is not worth cost or time in the car.

Today we (like Saturday) had flawless weather, it actually hit 70 degrees and it was beautiful. I got the lawn mowed and one tiny section of weeding has started with a lots and lots to go.

Here is hoping you have have a great week.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Slow Saturday

I gave in to temptation and bought a Nook Tablet yesterday. E tried to talk me into going for broke and buying a full-fledged tablet computer but I really had my heart set on the Nook because the main thing I want to use it for is Ebooks. The fact that it will also play videos from my HuluPlus account is also darn keen. I'll leave the future tablet buying to the gadget queen. In the meantime I'm quite happy with my new gadget and am looking forward to the trip to Oklahoma this June and not having to haul a big load of books.


Friday, April 20, 2012


First up, thank you to all you great folks who have sent me emails offering your quarters. Please know that I will respond to each of you this weekend once I get my list in order. Been a long week at work and time slipped by.

Tonight Tamara and I went to Barnes and Noble where she bought herself a Nook tablet. I am sure tomorrow she may give you all her review of it. The geeks we are.

Now back to your updates enjoy.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Almost There

I'm unaccountably tired tonight. Alas I must accompany Cal to a roller skating party. It's a good thing I can read in just about any environment.

One more day until Spring break....


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Webbed Feet.

Much more of this flamin' rain and I'll have them. There are hosepipe bans across great swathes of southern England. They say we have a drought. (Really?? Have they looked at Africa lately?? That's drought. This is merely a bit dry in places.)

It was, apparently, the driest March for nearly 60 years, and since we use a hell of a lot more water these days (appliances, car-washing, general wastage, industry, and water companies not fixing leaks fast enough), there's a lot less available to draw on in the water table in the south-east of England.

Here in the south-west though April seems to be trying to compensate. It rained most of last week. It rain all weekend. And it's rained (oh boy has it rained) and hailed all this week.

Digging in the rain sucks. But at least it kept the kids away from the site over Easter.

Hope your weather is a trifle better. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

100 Days

One hundred days to go.

Until what?? The Olympics of course. London 2012. The first (and only) time in my life that they will be held in the UK (I'm not old enough for previous times *g*). And yes - I have a ticket. I am so looking forward to this. I hope we put on a grand show. If you've read anywhere that British people don't care about the games, or have any kind of negative attitudes towards them - don't believe it.

Oh, I'm not saying everybody in the UK is excited. Or even interested. Those folk who have no interest whatsoever in sport of any description aren't suddenly going to become fans just because the Olympics are coming to town. But those of us who are fans of one or more sports, or just of sport in general are looking forward to the games.

It truly is a once-in-a-lifetime event.

I can't wait.


Monday, April 16, 2012


Last November our house was robbed. Some low lives took many things. Sadly things we did not think of appear from time to time and last night a realization hit my daughter and I. They took our coin collection. The one I started when she was a baby in 2000. The USA state quarters. We had been collecting and trying to get the last three "P" designation coins (we had every state D and almost all the P's). Sadly they are all gone. 10 years worth of collecting. That sucks.

Now for the favor, anyone want to send us a "state quarter" please let me know. We are going to try and do over and collect them all again. Most likely it's going to take us a while, but if you are willing to help do let me know and I can gladly give you our address to send your quarter. I am willing to reimburse anyone if needed, let me know. And please know that we will totally appreciate it.

Back to your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Quiet Week Ahead

The boys are at Mike's for the week. I'm a little down as a result. On the plus side we only have one more week until Spring break. Let the daily countdown begin....


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Beautiful Saturday

The weather is perfect in our land and mighty dangerous for some other folks. Here is hoping all is safe.

We finally got the opportunity to go see The Hunger Games. As I have read the books I can say without a doubt they did an excellent job (in my opinion). The book is wonderful and has so much going on in it, but the movie actually captures quiet a bit of it.

Hopefully they can do that well with two and three.

Enjoy the updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, April 13, 2012


I'm ready for Spring Break.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday Evening

I am off with the kiddo in the San Juan Islands. It's truly a beautiful place. We head back home tomorrow. One more evening of site seeing.

Enjoy your updates. Sorry to P&P as I missed it Sunday and Monday...enjoy them tonight.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Allaine's Radio Show

First - let's make sure I remember the greetings this week.

This Friday - apart from being unlucky Friday 13th in our part of the world, is also the very important Baisakhi (Vaishakhi) Day - the Sikh new year, and harvest festival, and anniversary of the founding of the Sikh religion. I wish any Sikh readers a joyful day.

This Sunday is Easter Day/Pascha for Christians of the Eastern Orthodox traditions. Happy Easter to you.

Next - A message from Allaine about tomorrow's show.

"Glee" Three - A Chat with Pezberry Authors
In what has turned into an annual tradition on F4F Radio, we return to the world of Glee for the third time in three seasons. Two years ago the main topic was "Faberry" – Quinn Fabray/Rachel Berry. Last year we focused on "Brittana" – Brittany S. Pierce/Santana Lopez. This time around, we mix things up with a discussion of "Pezberry" – Rachel/Santana. Oh sure, Brittana is canon, not to mention pretty adorable, while Faberry has been huge from almost Episode One. But sooner or later, everyone likes an alternative, and Rachel and Santana certainly qualify. Unlike Quinn, who for years has yoyo-ed between friendship and antagonism when it comes to Rachel, Santana has never exactly cozied up to Rachel. In fact, Santana was one of the driving forces behind the creation of the "Troubletones" this season because Rachel seemed to get all the solos. But as we’ve seen time and again here, overcoming hostility can be a perfect first step to a great pairing. Tonight we’ll be speaking with two Pezberry authors – TheMemoriesFire, who wrote the 11-part series Eyes Closed to Fingers Crossed, and TheDisassociation, author of angsty epics like Life or Something Like It and I Wish I Could be Strong Without Somebody There. Joining me as cohost once again is writer Grdnofevrythng, who has been on my show to discuss everything from Glee to Popular to The Devil Wears Prada.


See you next week folks. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Belated Greetings

Man - I missed a lot of greetings last week, partly because of dropping the stew, partly other concerns, but my mind was obviously not on my job.

I didn't wish our Jewish readers a good Pesach. Nor did I wish any Jain readers a good Mahavir Jayanti. And I completely blanked on wishing (western traditions) Christians a Happy Easter!! I hope all of you had a good festival of your choice.

It's bloody freezing. It's chucking it down. Can I have my sunshine back please??


Monday, April 09, 2012

Road Trip

E and little e leave for the San Juan Islands tomorrow. While they're gone I'll take the opportunity to make salmon patties for Duncan one night. He loves them but they stink up the house something fierce. Other than that our plans without them include school and work. Fun! Two more weeks until Spring Break....


Sunday, April 08, 2012

Easter Sunday

The day was beautiful. Sunny and warm we had the windows and doors open most of the day as we waited for kids to arrive. A solid weekend for Tamara and I and all next week I am on vacation making it even better. Daughter has spring break all week, so nice and easy for us.

Enough of my rambling, onto your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, April 07, 2012

We didn't forget!

Running late tonight and I don't have a good excuse. Have at it.


Friday, April 06, 2012

Vacation Arrives

I am pleased that for one week I do not have to put on any khakis. I look forward to spending a few days with my daughter in the San Juan Islands and then home to veg for a couple more days before returning to the routine.

Enjoy your updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, April 05, 2012

How many weeks until Spring Break?

I've recovered from my Emerald City Comicon weekend. This weekend we're kid free and I have housecleaning and reconciling my bank account on the agenda. You have a lot to read so I'll let you get to it.


Wednesday, April 04, 2012


My cousin went out this evening to a meeting. She left a note for me to say that there was a bowl of lentil and root vegetable stew in the fridge for me. Excellent. It's my favourite type. All I needed to do was microwave it. (She knows better than to leave me to cook for myself!!)

I looked in the fridge and yes, there was a huge bowlful of stew. It had been a bit chilly today, and I'd been caught in a hail shower on my way home, so a nice, warming bowl of stew was welcome.

I duly microwaved it. And I got a tray to put it on. I opened the microwave and got the bowl out (using a cloth so I didn't burn myself - I was proud of myself for thinking of that) and put it on the tray.

Then I picked the tray up off the floor. And wrapped the pieces of the bowl in newspaper before putting them in the bin. Then I mopped up the half-bowl of stew that was on the floor and put that in the bin. I took my jeans off and put them in the washing machine, to wash off the other half of the stew, and went up to my room to get some clean ones.

No, I have absolutely no idea how it happened. I'm sure the tray was safely resting on the worktop. The bowl was dead-centre of the tray and couldn't slip off or cause the tray to overbalance. I swear I didn't drop it, knock it, or push it.

It must have jumped. Honest.

I spent a good five minutes staring into the fridge to see if there was something, anything, that I could have for my tea, that didn't require cooking, and that wasn't a peanut-butter sandwich (I had that for lunch).

Baked potato (microwaved), baked beans (ditto) and Redwood's (vegan) rosemary & basil sausages (also microwaved - you don't honestly think I was even going to consider attempting to fry them, do you??)

The spud was fine, the beans were fine, the sausages... well they were edible but I don't think they microwave very well really. But plenty of HP sauce makes everything ok. *g*

I was really looking forward to that stew, too. My cousin makes a fantastic stew.

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Birthday Thanks.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes folks. Much appreciated. Though it's getting to the stage where I'd kind of like to forget about birthdays. In fact on my calendar all I wrote was "Too Damned Old!!".

We had a good evening, we went to dinner (Thai) with friends & family, and then to the pictures. Went to see Pirates. It wasn't bad. Not up to Wallace & Grommet standards though. Lot of in-jokes for Brits (and Anglophiles), from the Blue Peter Badge to the newspaper advert for "Slocombe's Kitten". Watch out for them.

Hey, you remember last week that I wished any Zoroastrians a good Khordad Sal. Well we do have a Zoroastrian follower. Wicked!! Until now the only Zoroastrians I knew or knew of were my mate Ash, and Freddie Mercury!! Anyway, our reader informed me that I had the date completely wrong - although Ash told me it was correct - but then (and only then) he informed me that that the date of celebration of Khordad Sal depends upon the sect of Zoroastrianism that you're a member of - the Fasli sect celebrate on the date he gave me, the Kadmi sect celebrate in July, and the Shahenshai in August. She's from the Shahenshai sect. So I promised to mention it this week - and to wish her a good festival on the appropriate day.


Monday, April 02, 2012

Long Week Ahead

And sadly I am already tired. Vacation for me starts on Saturday making this week full. Extra even. Hopefully to bed early tonight.

Enjoy the updates and I will ramble later in the week.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, April 01, 2012

We Survived

The Emerald City Comicon is offically over and I'm pooped. Cal was a trooper all weekend and only complained about sore feet once. Duncan ended up going both days with us. The lure of getting Streetpass people on his 3DS was too much to resist. We're all three very tired and not ready for school next week.

I'll let you get to reading.
