Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sniff. Sniff. Sneeze.

First - it's the Vernal Equinox today, so for our Pagan and Wiccan readers Happy Ostara in the northern hemisphere, Happy Mabon in the southern hemisphere.

I have a cold. I hardly ever get sick. Injured - oh yeah - all the time. But sick??


I was almost bound to get something though. At the end of last week, instead of being out in the fresh air, away from all the germs, I was locked in a room with 35 other people. It was time for my (mandatory) first-aid, site safety, and fire precautions training. This means 7 hours trapped in a stuffy hall, listening to all the coughs and sneezes from the rest of the reluctant attendees. And losing a day's pay.

Now (some of) the training is necessary. Site safety is very, very important. First-aid is pretty useful too - especially if someone is daft enough to cut through the town's main power cables with a pneumatic drill. (Yes, I have seen it happen - blew him right across the street and through a plate-glass window. He got away with cuts and bruises.) But as for the fire stuff - it's simple. Don't let it start but if it does, ring the bell and run like hell.

And 'phone the fire brigade once you've reached a safe distance.

At least I didn't have to pay for it this year, the main contractor did that.

But I still had to suffer the coughs and sneezes of outrageous brickies and take arms against a sea of paper tissues.

So I now have a cold. And a sore nose. And I'm feeling sorry for myself. Therefore I'm going to finish this, grab a hot drink, and go to bed early.

Enjoy your updates. (Don't waste your sympathy on me, though, it is just a cold.)


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