Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Got Fanfic??

Got a femslash fandom we don't cover?? A website we should check??

Updates have been a bit thin-on-the-ground lately, (compared to when we started this joyride). A lot of once-popular sites don't seem to update much any more. I guess all fandoms have their high spots before fading gently away. It would be really nice to have more stories to report for you though. So... Anybody know any sites we should be covering but aren't?? Fandom specific or multi-fandom archives, as long as they're femslash, not members only, preferably not FanFiction.net or AO3 type (coz they're really hard to check/report), and not LJ communities for the really popular fandoms (because Femslash Today does an excellent job of reporting on those already. As does its sister site, Yuri Today, for anime & manga based fandoms).

Suggestions?? We live to serve... sort of. Sometimes. *g*



Tamara said...

I think you're just missing your HUGE updates from the dark times before we checked your sites every day.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people might be going to E publication these days...

zero2aries said...

T - you could be right. *g*

Maybe I just need to enjoy the rest.