Friday, March 09, 2012

Seussical Jr.

Cal has been rehearsing since February for the school play...Seussical Jr.. His elementary school does one play every year and it's considered the 5th and 6th grade play but 4th graders can be in it too. 5th and 6th graders get the lead roles, however. Not every 5th and 6th grader was required to be in the play (like when I was in school). Auditions were held (audition and you got a part) and as long as you committed to the rehearsals you were in.

Last night was opening night and I was very impressed with how good the kids were. Cal played one of the Wickershams (monkeys). Of all the parts that one suited him quite well. He put his all into acting like a monkey on stage. The music teacher and everyone who helped with the school play this year outdid themselves. I just wish all of the people who bitch about public schools could sit through something like this and see how much love and dedication went into creating a memorable experience for a bunch of elementary school kids.

Okay...must jet because tonight's performance will be attended by all of us.


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