Saturday, January 07, 2012

Ramble from Joan

Thanks Joan!
To steal, or not to steal,

that is the question.

Oh no, caught red-handed, and mis-quoting, to boot!

At least my head is still attached (or was, last time I looked in a mirror).

Admittedly, I was in a somewhat silly mood when I wrote my latest ramble -- may have been that glass of wine, which also horribly scrambled my spelling (blush!). So it might be a good idea to clarify my thoughts on the subject.

First of all, I certainly will not defend theft.

In the context we're talking here, I don't even understand it. I find it difficult to grasp that people can be so self-centered as to take something without wanting to give in return. I am at a total loss when it comes to claiming someone else's work as your own -- just why would anybody do that?

And yes, I take a pretty sour view at that. But this is personal opinion, reflecting my upbringing and thus limiting my scope.

Then again, I am wary of condemning theft, at least out-of-hand. I also very much dislike the term 'piracy'. Piracy in its original meaning implies violence, blood-and-gore and all that. The term's application to the act of copying comes from an industry seeking mind-share against their business model sinking. An industry that protects its property with means that make it impossible for this (ex-)customer to watch a legally acquired movie. An industry that cheats most of their artists off their works *and* profits -- just google "Courtney Love Music and Piracy", e.g.

It is rather ironic that the same industry was so eager to digitise content in order to lower production costs, when that started the wholesale copying in the first place.

Of course, companies are about profit, so I'll refrain from condemning their behaviour. But I'm not applauding either. I also refuse to make use of their verbal artillery.

It is with this in mind, that I (somewhat provocatively) say, "Stealing is good." I like giving somebody his or her due. I dislike people who disregard this basic form of balance. But I challenge the idea of putting that kind of attitude on equal ranking with serious crime.


Thanks for follow up ramble Joan!

Enjoy the updates everyone!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


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