Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Can't think of a flamin' thing to say tonight.

No injuries. No moments of chaos at work. No humorous anecdotes. No particular things to rant about - lots of little irritations but nothing to wind me up enough that I can be bothered to yell about it.

Nothing. Mind a complete blank. Can't even come up with a new paragraph (let alone a whole chapter) for my current CSI fic. Probably because it's not my usual pairing (or even my secondary pairing) and I'm having trouble getting them together.


Anybody out there got a ramble for us?? Share an opinion?? (We may disagree with you, of course, that's our right, but we'd never deny your right to hold and/or express that opinion). We're happy to post your rambles - or rants - providing that you're within the law, naturally. (We don't want racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, etc. statements.)



Michael said...

First off, love the site. I check regularly ^^

Second, I'm surprised that you didn't add the contest entries from the Royal Academy of Bards winter challenge, or did I miss something?

zero2aries said...

Thanks. We aim to please.

I didn't realise we hadn't reported on the challenge. I expect we each thought one of the others had done so. Added it tonight.