Wednesday, January 04, 2012


We have a "severe weather warning" from the Met Office (government weather forecast department). We should expect "gales", "severe gales" and "localised flooding". Now I'm sure there's a measurable difference between "gales" and "severe gales" but as far as I'm concerned they both fall into the "bloody ada that's a strong wind, I'm not going up that scaffolding" category, And the "localised flooding" bit probably means that our site will be ankle-deep in water again. So work tomorrow looks like being a wash-out.

OK - you can stop groaning. I won't make any more bad puns for the moment.

I'm pretty chirpy even though the prospect of actually getting paid anything this week is getting less likely at every moment. Why am I chirpy?? Because I have the most amazing friends. Seriously, I think I probably have some of the best friends in the world. What with Elisa & Tamara, and everybody who chipped in to rescue me after my accident, and the ones who send books to me, and these two...

I got home this evening and opened the outer door. There was a parcel in the porch. A parcel for me. I thought, "Huh?? I haven't ordered anything. I'm not expecting anything am I?? My Xena calendars arrived last week. What on earth??" Knowing (as any sensible person should, not that I'm sensible, you understand) that the best way to find out what's in a parcel, and who it's from, is to open it and look, I did just that.

I had commented last week that my sister hadn't picked up my hints about socks, well a friend emailed me to say to add some to my Amazon wish-list and she would send them as a belated Christmas present. I spent a couple of days trying to find some socks of good enough thickness and quality to use as work socks (you can't use thin socks in steel-toed boots as they wear out in about three uses) but that were cheap enough for me to suggest as a gift. All the really suitable ones I could find I deemed as too expensive.

Well my friends got tired of waiting and took matters into their own hands. They bought me five - FIVE - pairs of the most amazing, thick, soft, hard-wearing, thermal socks. Incredibly good quality. I shudder to think how much it must have cost them, but oh God, are they brilliant.

So - Jean and Vic - you are fantastic. And I thank you very, very much.

I have the best friends...

And on that note I'll say goodnight - and may your God/s go with you.


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