Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Another guest spot in response to our (my) plea.

    As many of you wonderful readers may have noticed, the blogspot sites for Lesbian Fiction Reviews and Fan Fiction Reviews are no more. I've created a new, all inclusive site called C-Spot Reviews. All of the reviews from the blogspot sites have been moved over, to include comments and links, so you won't miss out an anything. I do want to mention that the URLs are different on the new site from what some readers are being directed to by blogspot so, please, use the search box on the home page or the category listings to find what you're looking for.

    One of the best things about the new site is the forum and groups. I belong to a few Yahoo! groups but have a tough time keeping up with all the posts. It can be hard to follow a conversation thread in that format. At C-Spot Reviews, we have a standard message board setting where you can easily find conversations and games to join. The groups are an added feature that are just starting out and I hope the members of the forum will be creating new ones as we grow and flesh out our interests collectively.

    On the last Cocktail Hour podcast featuring Susan Meagher we discussed the fact that the lesfic/femslash community has changed so much over the past several years. I know that there are still some very active pockets out there but they tend to be related to very specific fandoms or genres. With the C-Spot Reviews forums, I'm hoping to facilitate a new community comprised of writers and readers of all sorts of works. I hope you'll stop by and check it out.


    Cheri (Rev)

There you go. Check it out. And anybody else out there with an anecdote, grumble, ramble, or hype report, that you want to natter about. Send it in.


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