Tuesday, January 31, 2012

'E Wot Takes

Wot isn't his'n, when e's nabbed will go to pris'n.

A quick note - if you are an author of fanfiction, or original fiction which you have posted online, you may be interested to know that there is a person uploading to her own site - here - (and its mirror site - here) - without permission - vast quantities of fanfiction.

From the looks of it (style, layout etc) the author list is largely (but not entirely) cribbed from The Royal Academy of Bards.

If you did not give your permission - and it seems that she didn't ask anyone for permission - and you don't want it hosted there, you might want to drop the archive owner a line and complain.

Though whether it'll get you anywhere is another matter, since people have been complaining and all she's done is post a note saying basically "if I posted your story without your permission it's because I love it". No apology, no immediate removal. Just a justification.

Lady - word of advice - if you love a story and you want to recommend it - start a blog. Start a notification/recommendation list. Link to it. Ask permission to host it. Don't steal it.


Monday, January 30, 2012


I must get dinner started so I'll let you get to reading.


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Monday is on the horizon.

The weekend comes to a close with us dropping the boys off at their dad's place. It sure is quiet around here. Tomorrow my daughter goes back and our adult only week starts again. I enjoy and love the time with Tamara, but I can say I sure as hell miss the kids when they are not here.

A basic weekend and I am sure another basic week at work is in my future.

Enough of my ramblings, enjoy those updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Movie Day

Duncan and I saw Underworld Awakening today. These movies are silly but I do enjoy them. I'm looking forward to the inevitable sequel. I don't think Duncan enjoyed it as much as I did but he tolerates my love of the Underworld franchise. I'm hoping I can also drag him to see Resident Evil: Retribution when it hits theaters. I do so love to watch Milla and make fun of the horrible story.

E and the kids saw We Bought a Zoo. They liked theirs as well. I know E was really happy to see that one rather than mine.

Enough blabbing from me. I'll let you get to your updates.


Friday, January 27, 2012

A beautiful day in the city...

...and hopefully a weekend filled with more. One way or another lots to enjoy. The week seemed to fly by and now time to relax or at least not be at work.

Here is hoping you have found some light and are enjoying it as well!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, January 26, 2012


No words because I'm lame. Besides...you have a lot to read.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012


First - Monday was the Chinese New Year, it's a little late but to all our readers of Chinese ancestry - Kung Hei Fat Choi.

Next - today is Burns' Night - to all our Scottish, and of Scots ancestry, readers enjoy your haggis, neaps, and tatties....

Finally - tomorrow is Australia Day (though I think it's already tomorrow there) - to all our Aussie readers - have a good one mates.

All ranted out and drained after yesterday. Haven't seen hide nor hair of woman or dog today. I've never seen either of them before, not in all the time I've been working at this site, so they probably aren't local. If I knew who that vet was I'd report him but I doubt I'll ever know. Ah well.

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The More I See of People...

The more I think this planet, and the animals on it, deserve much better.

I came close to doing bodily harm to someone today. A woman, in fact. And it was only by force of will (and the knowledge that if I did hit her it would be catastrophic since I was holding a pick-axe at the time) that kept me from doing so, and allowed me to walk away. Although, afterwards, I did speak aloud many strong words, and I hacked the living daylights out of a perfectly inoffensive packing-case to dissipate my anger.

It all started at I was using the aforementioned pick-axe to break up some hard-packed earth, in preparation to digging a trench. As I swung I heard a weird squeaking sort of noise. I stopped immediately. If there was something alive nearby I didn't want to kill it. It sounded odd. Never heard anything quite like it. It almost sounded like that weird almost-but-not-quite-a-squeak squeal that guinea-pigs make.

I thought if there was a guinea-pig around it must be an escaped pet. So I started to look around. There was no guinea-pig that I could see, but just the other side of the hedge line there was a Jack Russell terrier. I looked at it and said, "Hello short-stuff, you chasing guinea-pigs??"

It answered me. It tried to bark but the noise it made was that squeak I'd heard. I was worried. I thought there must be something wrong with it. It must be injured. Or maybe it had something stuck in its throat. People will throw tennis ball for dogs and then not supervise them - it's dangerous. A soft, hollow ball will tear, and bits can be inhaled and choke dogs. Either use a solid ball or, if you do use a soft ball never leave your dog alone with the ball.

I hopped over the hedge and walked slowly up to the dog. I crouched near it and said softly, "Hey there boy, are you hurt?? Let me see." He didn't look in distress. He wagged his tail and bounced up to me in that way that Jack Russells do. I reached out my free hand (the other was still holding the pick-axe) and scratched his ears. Then I heard a woman speak, quite posh she sounded, too.

"There you are Jonno, naughty boy, running away from mummy."

I stood up. "Is he yours?? Silly question, of course he is, you just said his name. I'm a bit concerned about him, he's not barking properly. I think he might have hurt himself."

She replied, "Oh, no, he's fine. He can't bark. When he was a puppy he wouldn't stop barking and it gave me headaches so I had his vocal chords cut."

"You did what??"

She repeated her statement, quite unconcerned.

I said, "I didn't think vets would do that, in fact I didn't think vets were allowed to do that. Any more than they're allowed to dock tails, or de-claw cats."

She said, "Oh they won't. I couldn't find a pet practice that would do it, but I had a word with the Master of the Hunt and he recommended one of the Hunt's members who is a vet and who looked after the foxhounds. He said he would privately do that sort of thing. And so he did."

I found myself gripping the pick-axe handle very, very tightly and figured it would be best if I walked away. I said "Nice dog. Shame about the owner." And got the hell out as fast as I could.

In between swear-words and blows to the case I kept asking, "How could somebody do that to a poor dog??" None of the blokes I was working with had an answer. Though the one who has two Staffies at home said, "You should have hit her, I would have."

Part of me wishes I had. But most of me knows it wouldn't have made a difference. She still wouldn't have understood what she did was wrong. And I'd have been in the wrong for doing it.

It did make me realise how much I miss having a dog. It's just over 2 years since Reisen died, and a bit over 3 since my Harley boy was put to sleep. I miss them. I haven't wanted to get another dog because nothing could fill the gaps my boys left and I didn't want to try. And I didn't want to risk getting a dog that wouldn't be loved enough because it wasn't them. But I do miss having a dog. And maybe I'm ready to have another now. I've started checking the Golden Retriever Club's Rescue & Re-homing site. And the Dog's Trust. And the Blue Cross.

I'm sure if it's meant to be then the right one will come along. And I'm sure my boys wouldn't mind.


Monday, January 23, 2012


It's out there. One continues to seek it. One must be honest with themselves. We are in places we are due to our actions, reactions, choices and decisions. All create pathways leading us to an outcome. Change is continuous and it once again follows us.

Life is here, enjoy it, find your path to Truth.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Back to Normal

Back to work and school tomorrow for everyone and I just have to say hooray! I'm ready to return to our regular routine. Farewell to you, snow...stay away until this time next year.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ramble from UK..sort of....

Yep, sort of.

..... going home

It's a game ...a game of hide and seek, lost and found, nowhere to go and places to see

It's a place...a place in the sun, places in you heart, and a place for everything

It's everything...a life, a love, a love of life and the love of your life

and it's just another ramble...a ramble through life, a life in the sun, the sun in your heart and your heart in the right place...it's a place for girls who love girls, it's my place...on the web...it's F/F Fan Fiction Readers Corner (http://fanficreaderscorner.blogspot.com/)

I never really know where my rambles will take me before I get there. This time my rambling took me home...you can join me if you like.

unkn0001@googlemail.com UK

I know where my home is, do you know yours? Enjoy.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, January 20, 2012

Good riddance to snow.

Today E and I made it out of the house. Yes, the epic snowstorm shut down this town until Friday. It finally warmed up and we've been getting rain all day. Rain...no snow...thank goodness. What exciting thing did we do with our freedom? We went shopping and ate lunch. It was just nice to be out.


Thursday, January 19, 2012


Snow is beautiful and certainly sound proofs the freeway noise in our house, however I am done with it now. I went to work on Tuesday left early due to snow and worked from home both Wednesday and Thursday and sadly I may end up again tomorrow. We got much more than was forecast and on top of that we got some freezing rain which makes driving more like skating. Hence home I am. Tomorrow is supposed to bring warmer weather and rain, but how long does it take to melt a solid 6 inches plus layers of ice throughout.

Another telecommuting day for me. Tamara and the kids are all off school which I am sure the kids love, but in the end it will all be made up...great now but come June the tune will change.

One other comment tonight. If you missed the update last night take the time to read it. Ze is right, these bills are wrong and need to be stopped. If you live in the USA call your senator and representative tell them not to support these overkill bills.

Now enjoy those updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012


If you've been reading my rants for a while you know that I am fiercely anti-piracy. I am totally opposed to the theft - online or otherwise - of intellectual property. That I consider those people who upload copyrighted lesfic books to pirate sites, and "share" them illegally, to be scum.

So, I'm in favour of SOPA & PIPA (even though I'm not a US American) - right??


These bills are not just using a sledgehammer to crack a nut - they're using a bloody nuclear warhead!!


Because under these bills this site would not exist.

Because we link to fanfiction which is published on websites and in blogs which also host wallpapers, user pics, avatars, icons, LOLcats and similar. And those things use copyright images. And some of those sites also host fan-vids. Which use copyright film. And even though we don't host those things, or even link to them, simply linking to a site that also has links to them is enough to get us banned.

If these bills become law in their present state then all of your favourite fanfiction sites could disappear. And (technically) so could Google. And YouTube. And even Amazon.

And don't think you'll be safe if (like me) you're not in the USA and your site isn't hosted in the USA. Because under these bills the US government could force all ISP in (or owned in) the USA to block your sites for everyone. And you know what else they could do?? They could force (US) ISPs to cut off internet access to the people who they think might have had some contact - however tenuous, however accidental, to a site that might have had a link to a site that might be a pirate. The US government will own the web.

Right now - even without the increased power that these bills give the USA there is a British citizen being extradited to the USA for having links to sites that do host stolen works. Note - he doesn't host them, he doesn't recommend them, he doesn't endorse them. He merely hosts a website that lists them. Just like Google does. And what he is doing is not a crime. Not here in the UK. But the US government still wants him - and the British government - as is its habit when the US says "jump" has jumped. He could get 15 years in gaol. The USA has that power.

And these bills will extend that power a thousandfold

So yeah - I'm rabidly anti-piracy - anti-theft. And yeah - something needs to be done to close - effectively - worldwide - the sites which deliberately host these stolen works. But these bills are not the solution. These bills are the crudest form of censorship imaginable. These bills are badly drawn, badly phrased and unbelievably draconian in nature. And you know what?? They won't stop the pirates - they'll merely destroy the websites of millions of innocent people.

First amendment?? What first amendment??

Oppose them with everything you have.

And on that cheerful note - see you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Another guest spot in response to our (my) plea.

    As many of you wonderful readers may have noticed, the blogspot sites for Lesbian Fiction Reviews and Fan Fiction Reviews are no more. I've created a new, all inclusive site called C-Spot Reviews. All of the reviews from the blogspot sites have been moved over, to include comments and links, so you won't miss out an anything. I do want to mention that the URLs are different on the new site from what some readers are being directed to by blogspot so, please, use the search box on the home page or the category listings to find what you're looking for.

    One of the best things about the new site is the forum and groups. I belong to a few Yahoo! groups but have a tough time keeping up with all the posts. It can be hard to follow a conversation thread in that format. At C-Spot Reviews, we have a standard message board setting where you can easily find conversations and games to join. The groups are an added feature that are just starting out and I hope the members of the forum will be creating new ones as we grow and flesh out our interests collectively.

    On the last Cocktail Hour podcast featuring Susan Meagher we discussed the fact that the lesfic/femslash community has changed so much over the past several years. I know that there are still some very active pockets out there but they tend to be related to very specific fandoms or genres. With the C-Spot Reviews forums, I'm hoping to facilitate a new community comprised of writers and readers of all sorts of works. I hope you'll stop by and check it out.


    Cheri (Rev)

There you go. Check it out. And anybody else out there with an anecdote, grumble, ramble, or hype report, that you want to natter about. Send it in.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Snow or No Snow

Back to work for us tomorrow provided the weather doesn't decide to dump a few feet of snow on us. Actually that's now forecast for Tuesday night. We'll see. I've learned never to believe the weather predictions here until I see them actually come to pass.

This is a no kid week for us. That's always too quiet. It takes me about a day or two to get comforable with it and then I'm okay. If we end up being snowed in with no kids that will be really odd.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Easy Day

The snow fell and kids played. Overall the day was simple and easy. Tomorrow is our holiday, hence no school or work. Yay another day to sleep in!

If you are not quite as lucky, may your day be splendid whatever you must do. We'll have another easy one I am thinking.

Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Saturday, January 14, 2012


We had a little snow in our neck of the woods today. The kids were thrilled. I was thrilled that it didn't stick around. We're supposed to get more for the next several days but I've learned that weather forecasting in this part of the country is iffy at best. Not through any fault of the meterologists I should add. This area just makes it tough to predict the weather.

I'll let you get to the update.


Friday, January 13, 2012


One in which snow is forecasted. That may be commonplace for many, but not us Seattle folks. The kids are oh so hoping and Tamara and I are not. Driving in it sucks around here. Hills, ice and not enough snow plows or salt trucks makes for bad mixture.

Hey on the other hand yay for 3 day weekends! Monday is Martin Luther King Day may Peace befall us all!

This weekend I hope to clear my desk a bit more and catch up on some overdue emails to folks. Let's hope it happens.

Now you got a ramble, you know where to send it. Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Thursday, January 12, 2012


Take heed, all you budding writers.
Have you written a 60,000-75,000 word novel with a happy ending about a lesbian couple falling in love, and would like to see it published?

Well, then, take part in the 6th LESBIAN LITERARY AWARD!
The LESBIAN LITERARY AWARD has been available only to German speaking writers for the last 5 years and this is the first time English speaking writers can participate.

The annual LESBIAN LITERARY AWARD is exclusively dedicated to lesbian romance novels. If you want to participate, please send your lesbian romance novel (no other genre eligible), your biography and a synopsis of your book, including how the story concludes by the 31st of March, 2012, as an attachment to award@elles-books.com

Also, now édition el!es has a Facebook site in English and would love to stay in touch with you. Please like it:

Thank you for your time!

Carol Hoenig, Publishing Consultant, Inc.

Y'all enjoy the update!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The True Spirit of Christmas.

The two toes I broke, walking into the wardrobe, six weeks ago (roughly) have healed nicely. Two of the three toes (other foot) I broke falling over in the hospital car-park have healed. The other one, however, is refusing to heal and still hurts. My GP is muttering various threats about "setting wrong and needing re-breaking". I don't like that. It always hurts far more when doctors re-break things than it does breaking them in the first place. She's going to give it another week. (Dear toe, please heal. Now!!).

Right. In answer to my plea of yesterday a generous reader has stepped up to the crease and bowled us an excellent ramble. Take it away, Mel...

    Hi Ze, I follow your rants with great interest; just before Christmas you wrote of the young Barbara who gave you such a wonderful present - a card and a mince pie. It made me think of how small things, that may seem so insignificant to the giver, can throw ripples into the world far beyond the initial kindness.

    Christmas is not a holiday I relish. Family issues conspire to make me sad at this time. I struggle even to put up a tree. Every year I swear I shall not bother with cards, then, as the kind cards from others arrive and I feel the faint stirrings of something like joy, to think that they should think of us - off I go to my computer and make a simple 'Happy holidays' card, with a pic of our valley in the snow and a cheery, albeit short, tale of our doings over the year. However, still, the season escapes me; non stop carols and Christmas music on Classic FM, endless stories of folk hocking their world to buy ever more expensive presents - when truly, the message is much simpler.

    On Christmas Eve, I walked off down into the valley, where the small town in which I live nestles in the Cotswold Hills of England. There are people rushing here and there, carrying wrapping paper and vast bags of turkeys and geese; and there is me.... I am shopping for a small stuffed turkey thigh just enough for two, with cold cuts for Boxing day and some veggies. As I reach the butcher, find that I have forgotten my wallet!! I have a £20 pound note for emergencies in my jacket so set to to try to source our Christmas lunch on that amount. I get the turkey thigh; some sprouts; a parsnip or two; some potatoes; some small sausages for 'pigs-in-blankets'. And I head for the local Co-Op store to get a small pudding. I am 4p short!! I stand there, mortified and consider not bothering...but I know that the best part of any meal for my wee girl, is the dessert, so I gird my loins and risk humiliation in front of the queue.

    'I am 4p short, can I bring it in after Christmas?'

    There was a silence, then a cacophony of sounds as 5 people behind me offer me the 4p I am short. Cries of 'It's Christmas eve'...'You must have a pud for Christmas'. The assistant joined in with 'Darlin', if I had to chase you for 4p, I’d give up my job'.

    And so it was, that late Christmas eve afternoon, that I, this curmudgeonly bah humbug, was subject to, and in receipt of, the true message and the joy of giving.

    I have always believed in 'Paying it forward', and live my life to that maxim, all year round, so I now have the chance to repay these kindnesses and I shall do so. For that is what Christmas, and in truth, the whole year, should be. Give simple kindnesses and have them repaid to others. I am not a Christian but respect those who are. Surely, any festival, of any religion or creed, that makes us feel more caring of our fellows, should be better celebrated by us all ??

    Mel AKA Scribingbard

Thanks Mel.

Enjoy your updates, folks. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Can't think of a flamin' thing to say tonight.

No injuries. No moments of chaos at work. No humorous anecdotes. No particular things to rant about - lots of little irritations but nothing to wind me up enough that I can be bothered to yell about it.

Nothing. Mind a complete blank. Can't even come up with a new paragraph (let alone a whole chapter) for my current CSI fic. Probably because it's not my usual pairing (or even my secondary pairing) and I'm having trouble getting them together.


Anybody out there got a ramble for us?? Share an opinion?? (We may disagree with you, of course, that's our right, but we'd never deny your right to hold and/or express that opinion). We're happy to post your rambles - or rants - providing that you're within the law, naturally. (We don't want racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, etc. statements.)


Monday, January 09, 2012

One down, four more to go.

Working for the weekends at this point. The day went fairly well and here is hoping the rest of the week follows its lead.

Enjoy your updates!

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Sunday, January 08, 2012

Let the work week begin.

The Christmas lights are down. The tree and ornaments are packed away. All in all a productive weekend for us. Hope yours was relaxing as well.

Y'all enjoy the update.


Saturday, January 07, 2012

Ramble from Joan

Thanks Joan!
To steal, or not to steal,

that is the question.

Oh no, caught red-handed, and mis-quoting, to boot!

At least my head is still attached (or was, last time I looked in a mirror).

Admittedly, I was in a somewhat silly mood when I wrote my latest ramble -- may have been that glass of wine, which also horribly scrambled my spelling (blush!). So it might be a good idea to clarify my thoughts on the subject.

First of all, I certainly will not defend theft.

In the context we're talking here, I don't even understand it. I find it difficult to grasp that people can be so self-centered as to take something without wanting to give in return. I am at a total loss when it comes to claiming someone else's work as your own -- just why would anybody do that?

And yes, I take a pretty sour view at that. But this is personal opinion, reflecting my upbringing and thus limiting my scope.

Then again, I am wary of condemning theft, at least out-of-hand. I also very much dislike the term 'piracy'. Piracy in its original meaning implies violence, blood-and-gore and all that. The term's application to the act of copying comes from an industry seeking mind-share against their business model sinking. An industry that protects its property with means that make it impossible for this (ex-)customer to watch a legally acquired movie. An industry that cheats most of their artists off their works *and* profits -- just google "Courtney Love Music and Piracy", e.g.

It is rather ironic that the same industry was so eager to digitise content in order to lower production costs, when that started the wholesale copying in the first place.

Of course, companies are about profit, so I'll refrain from condemning their behaviour. But I'm not applauding either. I also refuse to make use of their verbal artillery.

It is with this in mind, that I (somewhat provocatively) say, "Stealing is good." I like giving somebody his or her due. I dislike people who disregard this basic form of balance. But I challenge the idea of putting that kind of attitude on equal ranking with serious crime.


Thanks for follow up ramble Joan!

Enjoy the updates everyone!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, January 06, 2012


Going to the Xena convention in January? Claudia has some news for readers and authors who might be attending the con.
The Bedazzled Book Peddler will be back selling books at the Xena Convention, January 27-29, 2012, in Burbank, California.

We'll have books from Bella Distribution, Bold Strokes, and Bedazzled Ink.

Also, we're able to accept credit cards this year.

If you're a published author and your book is distributed by Bella Distribution--here's the list of publishers, www.bellabooks.com/3Book-Browse-by-Publisher-cat.html - and you'll be attending the Con, let us know right away, so we can have copies of your books on hand for you to autograph for the buyers.

We look forward to seeing everyone again this year.

......dramatic pause....

So now that you are basking at the thought of all those trembling and adoring fans standing in line with your book in hand to autograph, send your replies to publisher@bedazzledink.com.

Now...have at those updates.


Thursday, January 05, 2012


Today we had some. I spent some time looking out my office window wishing I had the right lotto numbers. The weekend is almost here. For a very short week it still felt long. My energy level is returning but I find at night I am ready for bed way too early. Hopefully time will change that.

Work is always a bit hectic as all the subscriptions I deal with in the library are on the renewal times. And of course something gets missed. With 45 databases, 8000 journals and 1500 ebooks something won't work. So, for the next few weeks I put out fires.

Now back to your updates! Enjoy.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Wednesday, January 04, 2012


We have a "severe weather warning" from the Met Office (government weather forecast department). We should expect "gales", "severe gales" and "localised flooding". Now I'm sure there's a measurable difference between "gales" and "severe gales" but as far as I'm concerned they both fall into the "bloody ada that's a strong wind, I'm not going up that scaffolding" category, And the "localised flooding" bit probably means that our site will be ankle-deep in water again. So work tomorrow looks like being a wash-out.

OK - you can stop groaning. I won't make any more bad puns for the moment.

I'm pretty chirpy even though the prospect of actually getting paid anything this week is getting less likely at every moment. Why am I chirpy?? Because I have the most amazing friends. Seriously, I think I probably have some of the best friends in the world. What with Elisa & Tamara, and everybody who chipped in to rescue me after my accident, and the ones who send books to me, and these two...

I got home this evening and opened the outer door. There was a parcel in the porch. A parcel for me. I thought, "Huh?? I haven't ordered anything. I'm not expecting anything am I?? My Xena calendars arrived last week. What on earth??" Knowing (as any sensible person should, not that I'm sensible, you understand) that the best way to find out what's in a parcel, and who it's from, is to open it and look, I did just that.

I had commented last week that my sister hadn't picked up my hints about socks, well a friend emailed me to say to add some to my Amazon wish-list and she would send them as a belated Christmas present. I spent a couple of days trying to find some socks of good enough thickness and quality to use as work socks (you can't use thin socks in steel-toed boots as they wear out in about three uses) but that were cheap enough for me to suggest as a gift. All the really suitable ones I could find I deemed as too expensive.

Well my friends got tired of waiting and took matters into their own hands. They bought me five - FIVE - pairs of the most amazing, thick, soft, hard-wearing, thermal socks. Incredibly good quality. I shudder to think how much it must have cost them, but oh God, are they brilliant.

So - Jean and Vic - you are fantastic. And I thank you very, very much.

I have the best friends...

And on that note I'll say goodnight - and may your God/s go with you.
