Wednesday, October 26, 2011

'Tis Raining Cats...

First - it's Diwali/Deepavali - so to our Hindu readers Shubh Diwali.


'Tis raining cats, 'tis raining dogs,
'Tis pouring from the skies,
'Tis fun for fish, 'tis fun for frogs
But not poor butterflies!!

To get the full effect of that you really need to hear it spoken by an elderly farmer, in a thick Devon accent. As I did today. Nice old boy, must have been well into his eighties. Took pity on us poor workers and brought us tea & bikkies (rich tea fingers to be precise).

That rain we've been desperate for all summer?? Turned up this week. Torrential downpour and gale-force winds on Monday. Torrential downpour Tuesday. Torrential downpour today. Half the county's on flood alert. The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness has become the season of monsoons and muddy waterfalls. It's almost as if Mother Nature is trying to give us three months rainfall in a single week. My boots haven't dried out since about 11am Monday. They stink!! If you think trainers (sneakers) smell bad you haven't smelt work-boots that have been sodden for three days solid!!

I was soaked through to the skin, through a waterproof - hah!! that's a laugh!! - jacket & overtrousers, a fleece, a shirt and a t-shirt. Every day. I was also filthy. I cadged a lift home in the works van because there was absolutely no way that I was going to be allowed on the bus in that state. There was just about enough of a glimpse of cloth through the mud that proved that yes, I was wearing jeans and they were blue not brownish-red.

The ground is getting too sodden to dig. (If it rains again tomorrow the site manager said not to bother coming in as we can't do anything.) And yet a few centimetres below the (total mud that was soil) surface it's still bone-dry. We really need about another three weeks of this. By which time I'd have evolved webbed feet, and gills.

I wonder of I've got enough wood in the shed for an ark?? The measurements don't seem that as if it would be very big. No bigger than our (fairly small, terrace) house. I'm sure I could run one up over the weekend.

Stay dry folks. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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