Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Green Grow the Rushes-o

Before you read any stories in the Warehouse 13 section - a quick word of warning - many of them concern (and therefore contain spoilers for) the finale of the third season - and not all of them warn for this. If you are in a country where they haven't reached that yet then you might want to be careful. I have marked those I know to contains spoilers with a * after the link - but I'm not guaranteeing that I found them all. (And I'm not promising to do this every time, either!! *g*)

I was absolutely filthy when I got home today. There was a concealed pond. At some point it had obviously been a proper pond, with water, and probably frogs and newts. But that was before the rushes ran riot. Rushes do that. You plant one or two in a pond, to provide shelter and a little greenery, you turn your back for five minutes and they've turned into a jungle and your pond is nowhere to be seen.

I've never been able to understand how they managed to find the baby Moses. I mean - have you seen how big bulrushes grow?? They'd wouldn't have been able to see him until he was old enough and tall enough to be vandalising cigarette machines and setting fire to litter bins!!. Seriously. If he'd been in the pond I was at today the Pharoah's daughter would have needed a machete and a couple of good axes to get to him.

Anyway, the pond was completely hidden. It looked just like another part of the ivy-infested, bramble-covered, grassy field. Until I found it.



I stepped back and there it was. And since I wasn't expecting it to be there, or rather I was expecting solid ground to be there, not mush. I wasn't able to keep my balance.

The rushes had formed a near-solid mat at the bottom. And naturally the years of neglect had allowed a fair amount of silt to build up too. So it wasn't water any more. It was very, very liquid mud. Slimy and stagnant and revolting.

They laughed at me!! There I was, dripping mud, cold and wet. And did my work-mates sympathise?? Did they rush to help me?? Did they even offer to get me a coffee to make me feel better?? No. They laughed at me.

And the bus driver wouldn't let me on the bus to go home. Not that I blame him. I wouldn't have if I'd been in his shoes.

I showered twice when I got home. The first time fully clothed in the hope of getting at least some of the mud off.

I don't think I'll ever get this shirt - formerly light-blue - clean again.

Have a good week. Good night and may your God/s go with you (and keep you out of ponds).


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