Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Left a Bit...

Weather wouldn't have been too bad today if it hadn't been for the wind. Which was icy-cold and cut right through my fleece and polo shirt. Tomorrow I think it'll be long sleeves and a woolly-pully. You wait, we'll probably have a mini heat-wave and I'll bitterly regret it!!

Spent most of today measuring and spraying. You hammer a large metal pole into the ground. Then another a short distance away. Then somebody stands a couple of hundred metres away with a third pole while you squint at the first two and try and align them as you wave left or right or yell, "Stop!!". Then you run a piece of string between them. And hammer small poles every 1,9 metres along the string. Then you remove the string and spray round the poles with an aerosol can of marking paint. Taking care not to stand downwind of the spray or after about two hours you'll be as high as a kite. After you've spayed all round them you remove all the poles, leaving the area marked with little white circles. You move on and measure out the next section while the bloke who gets to play with the really cool toys follows on and digs a bloody great hole in each using a mini-digger with post-holer attachment. And a crew follows him with the posts and fixer.

Marking out plots for temporary buildings for the work-force. Dead boring. And remarkably tiring considering it isn't exactly strenuous work. So I'm sitting here - feeling as though I haven't done much today but I'm shattered and yawning enough to break my jaw.

Not an awful lot for you tonight but I'll let you crack on anyway.


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