Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe.

Had a humorous battle with a holly bush today. The bush won. I was going to tell you all about it but I watched the news again tonight and there's just too much tragedy right now for that kind of silliness.

I watched a report about the Christchurch earthquake. There are still 300 people unaccounted for. Probably dead. There were a couple of teenagers, boy 15 & his 19 year old sister, waiting outside a collapsed office block, praying their Mam was ok, saying how much of a fighter she was, that she'd never give up. And a police officer came up to give them the bad news that there was nobody left alive inside. My heart broke for those poor kids. And for the young man, trapped under rubble, a doctor gave him the strongest painkiller he had available and then a fire-fighter called for a hacksaw. The only way to get him free was cut his leg off.

If you can't get though on the NZ Red Cross page and you'd like to donate I expect your local Red Cross/Red Crescent is taking donations. Or here in the UK the Disasters Emergency Committee is handling it.

Then there was a report from Libya. Gaddafi - mad as a box of frogs - is making war on his own people. There were scenes of the wounded in hospital, and of the dead. Hundreds - possibly thousands dead.

And my scratches and small puncture wounds didn't seem worthy of the telling. So maybe next week.

Until then, stay safe, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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