Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Too angry to make sense.

Melissa Mia Hall

Melissa worked hard. She owned a home. She paid her taxes (late, but paid). She was trying to live a dream - the American Dream - that supposedly we as citizens are promised - the right to pursue life, liberty and happiness. For her, that couldn't be achieved in a traditional job that came with the perks of health care.

But does that mean she had to die?

She was 55.

Tell me again why what America has is the best. Tell me again how universal healthcare is "socialist" and then tell me what you think socialism is. (Hint - it's not Russia!! It's Sweden!!)

Tell me again why the millionaires in the US Congress can have their free - top of the line - healthcare and still deny the most basic care to over 40 million of their citizens - their taxpayers - the people who pay for those millionaires to have healthcare.

Tell me how paying millions of dollars in insurance to profit-hungry companies - who then pay out millions more to profit-hungry healthcare providers - is better than not-for-profit healthcare. And then tell me - if what America has is so great - how is it that they're so low down the lists??

And tell me why a hard-working woman - a writer - only 55 years old - had to die because she couldn't afford to live.

Tell me - how many more people have to die??

I have many American friends - I want to keep them. I pray you all stay well.

Goodnight and may your God/s go with you and keep you safe.


1 comment:

Tamara said...

For some reason Americans have been led to believe that because our healthcare system is for profit it's the best in the world. That's so far from the truth it's laughable. It also amazes (and infuriates) me that the very politicians demonizing universal healthcare have excellent coverage. If there is a hell I hope there's a special place in it for anyone who is so selfish they can't abide their fellow citizens having access to decent healthcare. America should be ashamed.