Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Cough, Cough.

No longer sneezing. But this cough is a real PITA. I couldn't paint a straight line today if my life depended on it; every time I moved, I coughed. Today has consisted of - cough, cough, whinge, whinge, cough, cough, whinge, whinge. Repeat ad infinitum. I am fed up with it. I hate getting sick, I don't mind injured (I'm used to that *g*) but I hate being sick. I also hate taking any kind of medication. Which is why I've had no paracetamol today and the minimum amount of cough syrup. Maybe I should have some.

Sorry folks, can't be amusing or entertaining tonight. I'll make it up to you as soon as this cold goes. I'm sure I can find something in my chequered past that will give you a laugh. Even if it's only my sole (disastrous) attempt to play hockey, (I was 12 and at school). Or the time I got stuck half-way down the zip wire ride. (I still can't work out how - what happened to gravity??)

Until next week - stay healthy. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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