Thursday, July 03, 2008

Long Weekend

Work week is already over heading into a long weekend for me. Some incredibly rare thunder storms in Seattle today. They were splendid.

I was feeling lucky today when I headed to the grocery store, hence a couple of lottery tickets now reside on my frig. This is not something I splurge for very often. However, Barbara Davies has a nifty yahoo group that I'm a member of and she was giving away a signed copy of her new book Rebeccah and the Highwayman which I have not had the pleasure of reading yet, hence I put my name in the drawing and *poof*, I WON! I never win those kind of things, so I put down a couple bucks and am shooting for the stars on Lotto. Barbara, if I get super lucky, I promise to return some luck your way.

Now get busy, folks, because it's another big update for y'all. Enjoy.


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