Monday, June 04, 2007

Ramble from Phil

A splendid surprise on a Monday. Take it away, Phil!
<.deep breath.>
Hi my name is Phil...
And I am a cheater.

You may know me as Oz of the Royal Academy of Bards
(land of a gazillion XWP fics). I've come here to Uber Etc. to make a confession. I figured...okay...hoped...y'all of all people would understand.

Yes, I have been X&G.

It started out innocently enough...the person I beta for wrote a short story. It wasn't unusual for it to not be an X&G fic. I mean she usually only writes X&G when my whining gets so loud she can't tune me out.

Teach her to give me her phone number, huh?

Anyway, I read it and filed it away. Then in January, one innocent, quiet, Sunday, while I was home with the flu...the USA Network ran a marathon of a particular show.

I shall not name it to protect the innocent.
But like XWP, it usually goes by three little letters.

Anywho, I figured, what the hey. I mean, I had nothing to do but work my way through a box of Puffs Plus. I remembered her fic and thought I'll just watch a show or two and see how well she caught the character voices.

Twelve hours and twelve episodes later...I was hooked.

Then all heck broke loose.
I crossed the line.

<.hanging my head in shame.>
I Googled.

I fired up the PC and went hunting.
I felt so guilty and yet so, so inspired. Yes, I eventually found myself up to my runny nose in bookmarked sites, buried in fanfiction, exploring live journals, downloading pictures and, ultimately, cruising Amazon to buy the DVDs. My bard and warrior shoved aside as I delved into the world of detectives, victims, perps, truth, justice and the American way.

Whoa...bad sidetrack...channeled Superman that time...<.ahem.>

OH when I cheat, I go all out.

I am addicted now. Never miss an episode and have pretty much caught up on most of the previous seasons. I've even started collecting some related merchandise. Well, except I'm still looking for those authentic handc...uhhhhhh...nevermind.

So much for my promise to myself to not go overboard and get attached to a TV show never, ever again.

Never say never, I guess. <.sigh.>

So in an effort to feed my addic...ahem...I mean to expand reader horizons and to help introduce (hopefully) some new writers to our Bard Challenge and our faithful readers, while also giving our regular Challenge participants (gotta love'm and I do) an interesting new challenge to tackle...
The Royal Academy of Bards is proud to present:
Bard Challenge #17--Criss-Crossover our first multi-fandom writing challenge.

Go here for the premise, the roools, the deadline and the prize list:

If you read other fandoms and since this is Uber Etc, you came to the right place...spread the word to your favorite writers about the Challenge. Please feel free to crosspost the Challenge link/info...EVERYWHERE. We would love a big turnout and our rabid readers love to feed when they read. So if you crave feedback...c'mon over and play.

If you have any questions about the Challenge or roools...just email me at I'm sure I have an answer for you. Or I can make one up.

Oh and for you non-writers...we will be having a Punzle Graphic Contest as well. Look for it around the middle of the month.

Thank you and Good Luck.
Oooh...gotta show is on...time for my Benson fix.

OZ...over and out.

Splendid! The challenge that is, not the flu or addiction part. So thanks, Phil, for coming by and sharing the good news with us all. Now to all you writers out there, get busy. Join in the fun and share your words all about. Show the Academy how much talent is truly out here! I'll look forward to reading the stories.

Now onto the updates, enjoy 'em.


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