Monday, June 25, 2007


A little reminder from the Academy of Bards....
Hi y'all OZ here...

Academy Challenge #17-Criss Crossover's deadline is approaching. There is about one week left. I know how the fandom writing community likes the crunch of now is the time to kick start those muses. First time Challenge entrants have done incredibly well in past, so if you have an itch to write a story, c'mon and play.

You can get the premise and Roools here:

Deadline is July 1st, midnight, pick a time zone. <.g.>

We also have a Punzle Contest running. You can find it via the same link as above.
Test your deductive reasoning and see if you can figure out how EVIL J & I think.
Heaven help y'all. LOL Same deadline applies.

We have some killer prizes for the winners. C'mon and play. If you are a rabid reader, spread the word to your favorite writers...let's get a big turnout if we can.

In the meantime also remember...if you read'm, then feed'm.


Good, feedback, feedback. Enjoy the updates!


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