Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ouch Again

First - Xena fans - a fellow Xenite needs our help. If you can donate please consider it. Di will be incredibly grateful. If you can't afford to donate - send good thoughts or prayers her way. Thanks


I was hoeing the allotment at the weekend, getting rid of the weeds between the curly-greens - and ripping up the lettuces that had bolted - and picking strawberries (the crop is looking quite good this year).

Trying to do three things at once when you're as accident-prone as I am is not a good idea.

The hoe hit a stone. And as I was only giving it half my attention I wasn't holding it properly. The shockwave from the impact caused my grip on the handle to slip. And it caught my little finger, dislocating the knuckle.

Many rude words were spoken.

It's happened before and as is common with joints with a history of dislocating, it slips back in easily. I put it back. But boy is it sore. I've been taping it to the next finger in order to be able to work.

I hope it heals by next weekend because I've a date with little Barbara. Who's not so little these days. I'm heading down to where she lives, and the me, her mother, stepfather, and her are off to the aquarium. She's looking forward to it. So am I.


1 comment:

Tamara said...

I didn't believe anyone could be more accident prone than E. Obviously I was wrong. Speedy healing thoughts your way.