Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Can't Think

Can't think of much to say tonight.

Feeling a bit drained.

A teenaged girl is stabbed to death in Israel, by a religious zealot, simply because she was watching a Pride parade.

A bunch of religious zealots seem to think their God approves of rape. I can't find anything in the Qu'an to suggest this but apparently they can.

Another bunch of religious zealots have bombed a market in Syria - the death toll looks set to be more than 100. A similar bunch are killing indiscriminately in Yemen, Iraq, Nigeria, Mali, Somalia, Sudan...

All three monotheistic world religions use the same basic commandments. So what part of "thou shalt not kill" is ambiguous??

A whole load of religious zealots feel that they have the right to say what their God approves or disapproves of - whilst completely ignoring other things in the list - and not paying attention to the commandment "thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain".

Those same zealots - of all three branches - really seem to hate women if their ever-more- restrictive statements are anything to go by.

Whatever happened to love?? Love thy neighbour as thyself. Faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love.


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