Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Wild Weasels and Wild Weather

Deviant Hearts is closing. If any readers have favourite stories which are only found on that site you have ten days to save a copy for yourself before the site disappears.

The weather is appalling. Gale-force winds and torrential rain. It's May for crying out loud, not March!!

We don't, as a rule, report poetry but... I'm a proud Xenite so I'm just mentioning... not reporting you understand, just mentioning in passing... that there's a writer on AO3 called YesBothWays (Xenites will get the reference) who has written a series of poems, alternating between Xena's point of view and Gab's p.o.v., about their relationship. Not reporting you understand, just mentioning in case anyone might be interested...

All those expensive toys I bought for the ferrets.. I could have saved my money... Polar's favourite-of-the-moment s a garden cane!! I was using some canes to prop up my roses when he spotted one. He promptly did the Weasel War Dance which looks like this and flung himself on the end of it. He jumped at it, bit it, grabbed at it, rolled over and kicked it, and generally had a whale of a time with it. At one point he tried to knock himself out with the dance. He jumped backwards into the door and rattled what little brain he has!!

It was rather difficult persuading him to let go so I could use the cane.

Arctic was unimpressed with it. She much prefers her crackle tunnel.



vaginawig said...


I'm curious as to how you select the stories that you link here. Also, I enjoyed your Tale of Two Ferrets.


zero2aries said...

Hi there. It's late (nearly 1am) and I have to be up in less than five hours *sobs* and that's a question that needs a long and complicated answer. I will answer it tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know I wasn't ignoring you.

Tamara said...

Pretty much if it's lesbian fiction or Femslash we post a link here. We don't host the stories on our site, just point readers to the sites with the stories.

vaginawig said...

No worries. I have no problems with people linking my fics. I was just curious. Thanks for letting me know. I would still like to hear z2a's response, though. I like long-winded explanations as evident by my fic.

Thanks again!

zero2aries said...

Far to long to post as a comment here. See update post for Tuesday 12th May.