Sunday, May 31, 2015


We had quite a successful weekend in terms of shopping. Little e has a new dress and shoes for her graduation next Sunday.

I didn't really have the money to spend (tomorrow is payday) but Cal and I also got new shoes. I think E is the only one who didn't get a new item of clothing.

This is little e's final week of school. I have two weeks and two days. Cal has three weeks. Not that any of us are counting the days.

Our heatwave is taking a little break this week. We have cool weather and rain in the forecast. I'm looking forward to it.


Saturday, May 30, 2015

Dance Day

My daughter has been dancing at the Shoreline Parks and Recreation Department since 2006, just shy of that 10 year mark. Sadly today we had another recital (once a year event)and her teacher let us know it was the last one with her as she is officially retiring. Great for her and a bummer for the kids. She is planning on finding a replacement for fall when she usually starts up again but it so will not be the same without Peggy. I am not even sure my daughter will continue. I hope she does and yet as next year is already bring huge changes as she heads to high school. We'll see what happens then.

Today after the recital we grabbed lunch and headed off to the mall to find her an eighth grade graduation dress. Success and that was splendid.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, May 29, 2015

Heat Wave

The heat has arrived in our neck of the woods...80 yesterday and 82 today (approx. 26 & 27 Celsius respectively). My time in PE the last two days has been a sweatbox. I think it'll actually be nicer next week when we can be outside rather than in the gym.

Our weekend agenda includes a concert tonight for little e's school orchestra. Tomorrow her Irish dance class will take part in a recital for the Shoreline Parks Department dance classes. Cal and I need to get our comics at some point.

The countdown to the end of school proceeds. I know the kids are ready for summer break and so am I.


Thursday, May 28, 2015

Summer is near

The sun continues to shine with temps edging up and heading to high 70's tomorrow. That is a little warm for me and yet I am pleased to see the sun. I will get some yard work done this weekend hopefully. Tomorrow night we have little e's last concert at her school. And Saturday we have her Irish Dance Recital but that is it, over all the weekend is looking empty. We like that.

Have a great night and enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Vans Suck

Spent the whole day driving the Transit van (well most of it stuck in traffic). I hate driving the big van. I'm not overly fond of driving anyway (except on a motorcycle), but I really hate driving the Transit.

I'm a painter not a driver.

But the regular driver was off today and supplies need to be transported from site to site. I drew the short straw.

And I really hate driving the Transit.

So I'm hot, tired, and grumpy.

So I'll let you get to reading and I'll see you next week.

Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Ferret Playpens

It was Whitsun Bank Holiday on Monday, and the County Show over the weekend (cows, pigs, sheep-shearing contests, etc.) normally either of those things means torrential rain. Not this year. It was warm, dry, and sunny. In fact Monday was so sunny I burnt the tops of my ears (missed that bit when I put sun-cream on my face & neck).

Not that I went to the show - I worked all weekend (need the money).

Then I promptly spent that money on ferret stuff.

I bought a nice hutch-cover (a decent one not a cheap bit of plastic) to keep them protected from the rain. And I bought them a playpen. (It's a rabbit pen really but it's great for ferrets too).

It's large - a metre & a half wide, two metres long - wire-covered wood frame, with a hinged roof. It's big enough for all their toys, their giant crackle tunnel, and the upturned cat-basket that they like to play hide-and-seek in. They can still tunnel out of it if they're determined enough, but it will take them longer than it does to tunnel under the fence. And if they manage to tunnel out of that and under the fence then I'm very seriously not paying attention!!

They love it. Lots of chasing each other, running through the tunnel, doing the weasel war dance. It wasn't cheap but it was worth the money just for my peace of mind.

My cousin says I spoil them. She's probably right.

PS. The BtVS story Gloriana - you probably need to be British to get most of the jokes and I don't think they work elsewhere. (Unless we're not the only country where lines like "They've had their Weetabix" is cue for a rout, and you recognise the advert.)


Monday, May 25, 2015

16 More School Days

Back to work and school for everyone tomorrow. I do believe a successful three day weekend was had by all.


Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday Evening

The good news is one more day of relaxation for us. If you are in the USA enjoy your Memorial Day. If not, hope you all have a great Monday.

For us another day to sleep in and a few chores with a large amount of relaxing.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, May 23, 2015


We've got a few more than usual for you tonight. Relaxing continues here with a visit to a walk-in clinic (E's cold has turned into a painful earache) and a top to bottom cleaning of our bathroom thrown in for productivity's sake. Tomorrow will hopefully include more relaxing with minor bouts of chore accomplishing thrown in for good measure.


Friday, May 22, 2015

Plans? What plans?

We've got a three day weekend and no major plans. On the agenda? Sleeping in of course. Other than that, our plans are quite loose. Hooray!


Thursday, May 21, 2015


Summer must be on the horizon as our temperatures have climbed into the 70's. It is making for some lovely afternoons where one does not feel like being in their office anymore. This is the time I take some nice walks throughout the lovely neighborhood. Makes for really nice walking weather with the dog as well. He best enjoy it as the weekend has rain in the forecast.

Tomorrow is Friday and in the USA Monday is a holiday (Memorial Day). I will be sleeping in hopefully. Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Great (Ferret) Escape

Nearly lost Arctic today.

I was in the garden, cutting back the cineraria - they're the silver leafed sort and three or four years old, so they've grown "leggy" and very scruffy and needed a trim. So, since I was out there I let the ferrets out for a run around. I wasn't worried because I'd ferret-proofed everywhere. They drain is covered, the drain-pipe is covered, and the fence is covered from end to end with chicken-wire.

Nice and safe.

Polar spent most of his time doing the weasel war dance, "dooking" like crazy, and running in one end of the crackle tunnel and out of the other. He was having a whale of a time.

For a while Arctic was playing with him, play-fighting, chasing, being chased.

I was concentrating on the pruning and not on the ferrets. This was a mistake.

Arctic is an adventurous and very smart ferret.

And she knows how to dig. Just like her polecat ancestors who dig burrows to live in.

I looked up just in time to see her wriggling out through the tunnel that she had dug under the fence.

I can't remember the last time I moved that fast.

I did the only thing I could think of - I shoved my hand into the tunnel she'd dug, twisted my arm around and grabbed her just before she fully wriggled out of the hole. I managed to hold her enough to drag her back through the tunnel.

She was a little peeved with me. She peed in my hand.

I put her back in her hutch and bleached my hand.

I'm not letting them loose in the garden again until I've bought more chicken-wire and extended the barrier down into the ground - at least half a metre!!

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Was watching the first Eurovision semi-final and thinking it's just as well the UK is one of the "Big Five" (five of the founding countries, us, Germany, Italy, Spain, France - who pay for the thing) and so go straight into the final. Because it we had to do the qualification thing we wouldn't make it. And we wouldn't have made it for the past several years.

I do so love the Eurovision though. And I'm not in the least ashamed to admit it.


I think we've got E & T's share of rain. Today's has been torrential. And hail. And a freezing cold wind. It's nearly June for crying out loud!! I'm so glad I bought that weather-proof cover for the ferret hutch. It wasn't cheap but it was worth it. At least they're snug and dry.


Monday, May 18, 2015

Rain Takes a Powder

Sun has arrived in our neck of the woods. This week's weather looks to be warm and dry. That should make the kids even more anxious for school to be finished.

Tomorrow my district is participating in a walk out to protest our state government not funding education adequately. I'll be getting up and heading to a nearby high school to hold a sign for a few hours. Good times.


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Relaxing Sunday

I woke up and was given a nice breakfast. T took the kids to the new Avengers movie while I stayed at home relaxing with the cat and dog. Took walk with Max, putzed around the house and then a quick nap. Yesterday seemed like the opposite with us being out of the house all day, so today felt perfect.

Back to work but knowing a small break in the middle of the week will make it all go better. I took off Tuesday with Tamara. She will be doing some things while I get to be a slug.

Wishing you all a splendid week.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, May 16, 2015


Today marked the final Ultimate Frisbee game for little e and her fellow 8th graders. Her class arrived at the airport last night after a week of camping in Idaho. Then today, four of them got up early and played a double header for the championship in their division. They emerged very tired but victorious. I sure hope someone gets a plaque or a flag to post at the school since it's the first sports team championship award for their little school.

Sunday I'm planning on taking the kids to see Avengers: Age of Ultron. Finally!


Friday, May 15, 2015

Yeah, Weekend Ahead!

As usual I'm really looking forward to the weekend. Even though there's not a lot of sleep time I may find a nap somewhere in our weekend.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Bad Colds Suck

E certainly did pass her cold to me. In fact I felt so bad that I actually called in sick Tuesday. I spent the day on the couch watching Game of Thrones season one episodes.

Wednesday I made it back to work although moving a lot slower than usual. Today saw a little more improvement. The congestion in my sinuses did make me a little dizzy when I got out of bed this morning. It didn't last beyond my shower and I got through my day once again at a slower than usual pace.

Tomorrow is Friday and I'm definitely looking forward to sleeping in a bit on Saturday and Sunday. So far our weekend holds a couple of Ultimate Frisbee games and a trip to the comic shop. If I can squeeze in a viewing of Avengers: Age of Ultron that would be fantastic.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Absolutely Cream-Crackered

I wrote so much yesterday that it took me till gone 1.30am to finish.

Not smart when you need to get up at 5.45.

It's now 11.38pm and I can barely keep my eyes open enough to focus on the keyboard.

So I'll sign off now.

Good night and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How I Choose

A reader/writer we report on asked a question, in a comment on one of my posts, I was going to answer it in a comment on that post, but it got kind of long and complicated. And, as there are word limits on comments, I ran out of space and would have needed a couple more comments...

So I thought I'd answer it here instead.

Some of you may be interested, in which case read on. Most of you will be bored rigid, (especially since I briefly touched on some of these points a year or two back along), in which case skip the blurb and go straight to the updates.

The question asked was "I'm curious as to how you select the stories that you link here."

Where to start...

Once upon a time my two good friends E & T started this website. It was to be dedicated to searching the web for femslash stories and posting links to them to enable readers to find them easily. For a couple of years they were the only reporters, though I contributed the occasional ramble. The sites they reported on were authors' personal webpages, live-journal communities, and what I term "proper" archives, multi-fandom websites, run by a webmaster, possibly with several assistants, where you submit a story and they upload it. The Royal Academy of Bards is one of these types. Mostly in western movie, tv, and book fandoms - there were plenty of other communities dealing with manga/anime, & game, fandoms - though Uber Etc. did report on other fandoms when stories were posted to multi=fandom LJ communities.

Eventually they asked if I'd like to join them, I jumped at the chance. I love this sort of thing.

For a while we pootled along. We reported every fic on those websites, communities, and archives.

And then live-journal's new owners started doing daft things, like forgetting what made them great and instead trying to be tumblr, facebook, and twitter all rolled in to one. And they alienated their loyal base - especially the fandom-based communities. Users left in droves. Communities stuttered and fell. A few still update regularly, most don't.

Archives stopped updating, closed, or vanished from the web. The demise of AOL Hometown, GeoCities, etc. took down a lot of authors' pages, most of which were not replaced. Other authors left fandom or simply stopped updating their sites.

There were still a fair few of the upload-it-yourself sort of sites - though even they are starting to close, or not update - but most of those are too chaotic, with less-than-ideal search terms or tagging systems and consequently checking for updates is a nightmare. So things like FF.Net were not checked (FF.Net is the nightmare to end all nightmare for chaos!!) We'd post the occasional link if an author emailed to request it and sent a link. Otherwise, nope.

But I, in my hunt for fanfic in the fandoms I like, personally, to read, found AO3. AO3 has a excellent search engine, easy to use and easy to find what you need. (Though some people do abuse the tagging system quite brutally). So - desperate for things to report I began linking to AO3 fics in fandoms I followed. Then to fics in fandoms I'd heard about but don't follow (OUaT, or OitNB for example).

At first it wasn't too bad, I'd check about 20 pages (20 updates to a page) and pick out ones I liked. Then I decided to cover as much as I could - by then a week of updates would be 50 pages. Now a week's updates runs to 90 pages. There's no way on earth we can link to them all.

So I filter. It's easier to say what I don't choose rather than what I do...

I don't link to anything in any fandom that contains under-age sex, or child abuse, or graphic rape/non-con. I'm careful with dub-con. I don't link to any RPF (real person fic - the actors rather than the characters they play). I don't link to any fic that are gender-swap (unless they are dealing seriously with trans issues). I don't link to any fics that are futanari aka G!P (girl-peen). I don't link to vore.

I don't link to high school AUs. I also don't link to some of the currently popular tropes where there are far too many badly written totally out-of-character stories - tropes such as soul-mate identifying marks in fandoms that don't have that sort of thing (apart from anything else it seems to be at best dub-con to me). I don't link to zombie AUs. Or werewolf AUs. And I don't link to fics in fandoms that are zombie or werewolf where they've taken out the zombies/werewolves.

I stick to the western fandoms as above - (except for Legend of Korra - I got a couple of requests to start covering that, so I do).

The things I do link to aren't necessarily my personal preference, I'll often cover things I hate... but the things I don't link to are often because of my personal preferences!!

I don't link to stories of less than 1000 words.

I'll read the summary - if the writer can't even spell their character's name right it won't get a link. If their caps-lock appears stuck it won't get a link. If they're overly rude with the "don't like, don't read" message it won't get a link. If the summary is a bit vague I'll read the first few paragraph - or a couple of chapters - to check that it is femslash & doesn't contain any of the no-nos (I've discovered some fine stories and some great new fandoms that way - unfortunately I've also discovered some badly-spelt, ungrammatical, badly-written rubbish), if it passes it gets a link.

A lot of it is very subjective, true, I do try to be objective if I can - if it's a good story I'll link to it, even if the spelling and grammar make me weep. I'll link to stories in fandoms about which I haven't a clue (OUaT, Rookie Blue, OitNB etc.) and hope it's good, true to the characters, and if it's AU that they're still recognisable.

I'll link to stories that have been recommended on yahoo groups or LJ communities I'm in, I'll check out websites that have been mentioned. (That's how we found you - someone in a Yahoo group mentioned a site/author they thought was good).

Hope that answers the question.


Monday, May 11, 2015

Sorry, Tamara

So my cold is bad and unfortunately it was shared with my wife who came home completely stuffy and on her way to my fun experience of the last few days.

Hope all of you are doing better than us.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day was spent reconciling our respective bank accounts. Max got a few walks. E's cold made itself known all day. To say she feels like crap would be an understatement.

Back to work on Monday and I sure hope she feels a little better after a good night's sleep.


Saturday, May 09, 2015

An Absolutely Beautiful Day

We got up way too early but were able to get to the airport in time for a hug from our daughter before she left for a week long camping trip with her classmates to Hell's Canyon. She will have a blast and we will pick her up Friday night ready for a shower and a good night of sleep.

Our day was filled with chores and yet plenty of time for a nap as well. Tomorrow is finance day. We both will do bills and also find a bit more time for doing nothing.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, May 08, 2015

Spring Is Here!

Our weekend is slated to be chock full of sunshine. Yard work and house work are on the agenda. Other than that we'll be doing our usual resting and walking the dog.

Have any sites you'd like us to check? Send them our way.


Thursday, May 07, 2015

Weekend is in Sight

The sunshine is looking to stay and that will inspire me to put some effort into the yard this weekend. It is in need of some attention. Then, as a treat, I will put up my hammock for a long-awaited opportunity to be used. Taking down the trampoline has left our front yard a lot more user friendly.

Now back to those update, please enjoy!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Vote. Vote. Vote.

Friday is the 70th anniversary of VE Day. Pause a while to remember all those who were lost in the Second World War and give thanks for its ending in Europe.

Tomorrow is election day in the UK - and if you live in the UK and didn't know that where the hell have you been for the last six weeks?? Mars??

I don't care who you vote for, (well, actually I do care - very much - but it's not my job to tell you who to vote for!!), but please - get out there and vote. Don't say "it's not worth voting because..." - it's always worth it. You might chose not to vote but "they" will always vote - the extremists, the haters, the bigots, they will vote. Your vote could be the one that stops them.

And if you feel you really can't vote for anybody - then get out there anyway and write "none of the above" on the ballot paper. Maybe if enough people do that then we'll finally get PR...

Working people and women fought and died so that I, a working class woman, could have the right and the privilege of voting. I will always exercise that right.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Wild Weasels and Wild Weather

Deviant Hearts is closing. If any readers have favourite stories which are only found on that site you have ten days to save a copy for yourself before the site disappears.

The weather is appalling. Gale-force winds and torrential rain. It's May for crying out loud, not March!!

We don't, as a rule, report poetry but... I'm a proud Xenite so I'm just mentioning... not reporting you understand, just mentioning in passing... that there's a writer on AO3 called YesBothWays (Xenites will get the reference) who has written a series of poems, alternating between Xena's point of view and Gab's p.o.v., about their relationship. Not reporting you understand, just mentioning in case anyone might be interested...

All those expensive toys I bought for the ferrets.. I could have saved my money... Polar's favourite-of-the-moment s a garden cane!! I was using some canes to prop up my roses when he spotted one. He promptly did the Weasel War Dance which looks like this and flung himself on the end of it. He jumped at it, bit it, grabbed at it, rolled over and kicked it, and generally had a whale of a time with it. At one point he tried to knock himself out with the dance. He jumped backwards into the door and rattled what little brain he has!!

It was rather difficult persuading him to let go so I could use the cane.

Arctic was unimpressed with it. She much prefers her crackle tunnel.
