Monday, May 12, 2014

Summer is on the way!

This week should bring us views of summer. I look forward to it, but not nearly as much as those outside kitties do. They lap up the sun to the point of over heating. Pet the small fuzzy thing and she is burning up hot. Wait 'til we are in the 80's mid week. For us wimps where the average summer temp is around 73 degrees 80 is darn hot. Even so I look forward to feeling the heat.

No kids this week makes it a slower week for us and this weekend will bring the last Ultimate Frisbee game where they play for 1st or 2nd place. Well done regardless of where they end up. And Cal is off to camp from Tuesday through Friday so he will also be off enjoying the sunshine.

Here is hoping your week goes well and we will chat at you towards the end.

Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


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