Saturday, May 24, 2014

Long Weekend

We've been doing a lot of relaxing so far. E and I managed to do some yard work. I don't often join E in that task because she's too damn picky about what she wants done. My task today was chopping down some tall, cane-like weeds along the side of the road that obscure our vision while backing out of the driveway. I managed to get that done with only a minimum of griping.

I rented two movies last night. Little e and I watched The Book Thief. Cal crapped out on us. I think if he'd stuck around for more than 10 minutes he would have enjoyed it.

Today we're watching I, Frankenstein. Cal stuck around for this one but little e bailed. It certainly isn't high art but I'm only expecting it to be cheesy fun and so far that's what it's been.


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