Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ferretting Around.

The weather (as predicted) has turned a bit iffy. What the forecasters refer to as "changeable". In other words you never know what to wear because one minute it's warm and sunny and you're regretting wearing a t-shirt and a long-sleeved shirt and the next you're soaking wet, freezing, and wishing you'd worn two jumpers (that's "sweaters" for the Yanks) as well.

But... the swifts are back!! So summer is almost here.

I'm having fun at the moment, looking after a ferret. I've had it here since Friday. It belongs to a friend who's in Crete for three weeks for her nephew's wedding. I've never had a ferret before. I had to google to find out how to take care of it. I was warned she bites, but so far she hasn't bitten me. Feeding her is no problem as my friend brought a bag of pelleted food for ferrets as well.

She seemed delighted to see me whenever I approached her hutch. (It's a two-storey wooden thing with a wire-bar front, and a closed in sleeping section). And I couldn't understand why, since I'm not her owner. I finally figured out that the poor little mite is bored rigid and just pleased to have something - anything to do or see. She has a litter-tray, a food bowl, water, and a blanket in the hutch. And that's all.

So I promptly went to the pet shop and spent twenty-five quid on ferret toys. I got her a crackle tunnel, a sort of climbing frame, and a plastic ball (about the size of a cricket ball) with a bell inside.

She's not sure about the crackle tunnel but she loves the ball.

I'm sure that's the only reason she bites - stress and boredom.

Apart from being a bit whiffy she's a lovely little thing.


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