Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Half a League Onward

Today was the feast of the Annunciation - hope all our Christian readers had a good day.

Tomorrow is Khordad Sal in the Fasli tradition - we wish our Zoroastrian readers (in that tradition) a good festival.

Been watching the news about that terrible mudslide in Washington state - well north of where E & T live, for which I was grateful - but an awful thing to happen. Prayers for the missing.

What's happening in Crimea is pretty bad, too. Sanctions won't bother Putin. I don't think he gives a toss what the western powers think, he just wants the territory of the USSR back wherever possible. And thanks to Stalin's people shuffling there are ethnic Russians in pretty much every one of the former soviet countries. Whatever nationality those ethnic Russians may consider themselves Putin can still use "concern" for them as an excuse to move in on more countries.

Worrying times for eastern Europe.

We really don't want another Crimean war.


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