Sunday, March 30, 2014

ECCC 2014

Another Emerald City Comicon is over and I am pooped. I love going to this every year but by the end of the weekend I feel like I could sleep for a couple of days. Unfortunately I've got work tomorrow.

Cal, Duncan, Mike and I had a fun time. Mike took lots of pictures on Saturday. We even stayed for the Costume Contest...a first for me. Every year I express an interest but the kids were usually too tired and ready to head home. This year they were game. It ended up being a late night for us but watching the contest live was worth it.

The last day of the con was made a little hectic by my phone losing its phone number. Evidently a T-Mobile rep somewhere programmed a SIM card for a new customer with my phone number. It wasn't supposed to be my number but they input it incorrectly (one number off). You'd think the system would flag that as a number that's already in use, wouldn't you? Nope.

Around 1 p.m. today I lost all use of my phone due to it not being recognized by the network. A nice young man by the name of Albert was very confused by the texts and then slightly frantic phone calls he received. You see...Mike and Cal went to one part of the con while I spent the last few hours of the con in the massive Dealer's Room/Artist Alley. Payphones are a thing of the past and I had no way to get in touch with them to tell them where I would be when the con was over.

I opted for sitting in a place where I could be easily seen and we eventually spotted each other. Needless to say, E wasn't very happy with T-Mobile and while I was unaware my number had been assigned to another phone (I just thought my SIM card had gone tits up somehow) she was ripping T-Mobile customer help a new one.

All is well now. Albert has his new number and I have my old one back. Let's hope today's phone mix-up and E's flat tire (yeah, it's been a day) isn't a sign of how the week ahead is going to be.


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