Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cakes but No Ale.

This Sunday coming is Mothering Sunday here in the UK. (And in the Republic of Ireland, and Nigeria).

It's now also celebrated as "Mother's Day" after we adopted the US custom but applied it to our, much older, religious festival.

Mother's Day is celebrated in most of the world's countries. The largest number on the same day as the USA (which makes sense since they invented it), but there are a good score or so of other dates used by various nations. A lot of eastern European countries seem to use International Women's Day, while a large number of Islamic countries (mainly Arabic) celebrate on the Vernal Equinox.

You're supposed to eat Simnel Cake on Mothering Sunday. Does anybody still eat it?? Or make it??

Since I'm one of those weird people who loves fruit cake - and also loves marzipan (anything almond flavoured actually). I'd love to find some. The difficulty of course is finding a vegan one. I'm pretty certain your average everyday bakery isn't about to use egg replacement powder in its cakes *g*. This means it'll probably be a home-bake thing.

Me. Plus cooking. We all know how that will end!!

I wonder what my chances of persuading my cousin to make one will be. My former bribery currency has lost its value. I used to be able to tempt her with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - begged, traded, or bought from friends in the USA, because she loves those, but they're now available over here in Aldi & Lidl supermarkets, so she can buy them herself.

Hmm... she mentioned the other day that she'd like the dining room woodwork re-painted in a darker green... maybe we can trade...

Have a good Mother's Day those of you who celebrate it.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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