Saturday, January 25, 2014


I hate coughing and yet my body continues down that path. It seems to have come back stronger in the last few days. I was enjoying "the less" a lot more.

Today the whole family went to the Ursulmas Medieval Faire. I think it was a one time interesting event, but not one either Tamara or I would repeat. Pricey with not enough value for the basic spectator. Mind you the majority of people there were engaged fully into the event. It was fun to see all those different outfits and as the kids pointed out fun to watch them beat each other up. We somehow missed the archery which also would have been enjoyable, but oh well.

Tonight a few more for you. I also cleaned out our Grunt's List, so once again we ask if there is something we are not catching or some site you love that we don't know about please pass it our way. Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


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