Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November...

I'm glad E & T got their internet back quickly. Can't believe Little E is thirteen already. Thirteen!! Blimey!!

Weather here has been rain, rain and more rain. The river overflowed again but only fields were inundated. No property damage.

Guy Fawkes night tonight. Loads of fireworks. (Though there have been people setting them off for at least the past two weeks...). And the rain held off just long enough for the big display. Excellent.

And of course we had our traditional evening meal. Jacket spuds, sausages, tomato soup. We couldn't get our usual sausages - Linda McCartney's - fewer shops seem to carry that range, even those who've increased their overall veggie selections. So we tried a new sort. From the Sainsbury's Love Soya range. They were rather nice. We'll definitely be buying those again. The tomato soup is home-made, not out of a tin the way it was when we were young. Chiefly because almost all types of tinned tomato soup have milk in them. So we make - well my cousin makes since I'm dangerous in the kitchen - a tasty tomato and butter bean soup that is rich and creamy-tasting but is vegan. Very nice.


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