Wednesday, November 13, 2013


The UK government has promised to send £10 million to The Philippines to help the disaster relief.

Ten million.

Sounds like a lot when you first read it, doesn't it.

Let's put it in perspective.

It's less than 50pence (half of one pound) per person in the UK.

If I decide to buy a ticket for this Friday's Euromillions (Europe-wide lottery) - cost £2 - my potential winnings are £80 million. (A couple in Scotland once won £148 million!!)

Eighty million pounds. Just for buying a lottery ticket.

That's eight times the measly amount our penny-pinching, expenses-swindling, giving themselves an 11% pay rise whilst imposing austerity measures and cuts on everyone else, privately-educated, bunch of millionaires in government are grudgingly spending (of our money - not theirs) to help huge numbers of people who have lost everything - including most of their relatives.

The British people have already raised £13 million for the Disasters Emergency Committee and similar charities.

And all our government - who are spending £42 billion on a new high-speed rail line which half the country doesn't want - can give is ten million.

Shame on you and your friends, Mr Cameron.

There's a lot to read tonight (I know it doesn't look it but if you click the link for the femslash exchange there's nigh-on 150 stories to try) so I'll let you get reading.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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