Saturday, November 30, 2013

Passion and Perfection Night

They gave you something to read, enjoy it.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday

E and I contributed a little bit to Black Friday madness. Target had the Nook HD for a good price. E checked their inventory this morning and the Target on the way to work had some in stock. Great news considering their Black Friday sale started Thursday at 8 pm. We stopped on the way to E's work and picked one up. Also managed to find a few movies really cheap for the kids.

I spent money at two comic shops today. A new one on Capitol Hill where E works...Phoenix Comics and the shop where I get my comics...Comics Dungeon. Phoenix Comics netted me a few recent back issues I needed. Comics Dungeon supplied me with a comic book hardcover that Cal wanted. It was on sale for 35% off today. I couldn't pass that up.

The rest of our day was spent with me setting up E's new Nook and E making her green jell-o salad for our Thanksgiving feast which will take place on Sunday.

Tomorrow...pie making and dealing with the big box o' gifts before the kids arrive on Saturday.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving in the United States

As the end of the year heavy holiday season arrives, we can be thankful for many things. One, Tamara and I were able to marry, best thing of this year. Two, thankful for health among those surrounding us. And three...oddly enough I am thankfully still employed. Health benefits are a good thing as is a paycheck. We also got official notice that the house will be bought in late 2016. Those were the best parts of our year and now we have holidays to push through prior to the arrival of 2014.

I am hoping you all have a great evening and coming weekend. Enjoy what you can. Remember tomorrow is a new day and opportunity.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

This Great Deep of Elemental Water Remaineth Forever Pure.

To all our readers of Jewish descent or religion, Happy Hanukkah. To all our US American readers, Happy Thanksgiving.

Can't think of anything to say tonight - unless you fancy more of my investigation into the flood stories of the Near-East and North Africa??

Since the Arab peoples were around long before Islam - they're a Semitic people, closely related to the Jews. (Which is why the languages have so many similarities). In fact, the Arabs are the Ishmaelites of Genesis. They trace their ancestry back to Abraham's first-born (illegitimate) son, Ishmael, while the Jewish people (Israelites) trace theirs back to Abraham's second (but only legitimate) son, Isaac.

But anyway... pre-Islam Arabic tribes had religions, it isn't too hard to find information about the early Arab kingdoms and divisions... but their religions?? No chance. From what little written evidence there is it seems that some groups/kingdoms of pre-Common Era Arabs practiced Judaism. Some practiced a monotheistic religion very similar to early Judaism.

Some worshipped a pantheon of gods and goddesses. Some were more (what we now regard) as pagan - worshipping the sun, moon, stars, tress, etc. We don't really have a lot of written evidence for these - except that the Qu'ran rails against them.

And some followed no organised religion at all.

So any attempt to uncover a pre-Islam Arabic deluge-myth runs slap bang into the biblical-influence problem again. It's just that it's a pre-Christian biblical influence this time.

I may never find out exactly where the localised flood that spawned the tale actually was - but I'm having fun trying.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favour.

Ze will have more, she said. Oh the pressure. The Pressure!! LOL.

As it happens I do have a few more links for you - but only thanks to AO3 otherwise I'd have as few as yesterday. Ten years ago there were dozens of (proper) websites I would check daily. Fandom-specific archives, in the fandoms I followed. Or personal websites of fanfic writers. And I would always find new things to read.

Now there are hardly any.

The fandom-specific sites are all but gone. The writers have moved on and abandoned their personal sites (or had them taken away by closure such as AOL Hometown, Geocities, and Fortunecity). There are a couple of archive sites still updating - but not many, and most not often.

Most of the stories I do find are updates on the upload-it-yourself-and-never-mind-the-quality archives such as, AO3, BuffyFaith, etc. (Note: I'm not saying that all the content on those sites is of poor quality - far from it - just that, unlike some of the older sites where a mod did the coding and uploading, there is no quality-control.)

Though there are still some LiveJournal communities posting fanfic even they aren't as busy as they used to be.

If you know of any good femslash sites that we don't report, which do still update regularly, please let us know.

Went to see Catching Fire this afternoon. It doesn't quite follow the book - but it's pretty damn' close. It suffers from "middle-book-syndrome" slightly - but it's still a riveting film. I loved it. And the baboon didn't half make me jump!!


Monday, November 25, 2013

Great news! Trancer21 was able to get the plagiarized stories removed from the site. I must admit it's a mystery to me what folks get out of posting someone else's work as their own.

Light Ze will have many more tomorrow. Have at it!


Sunday, November 24, 2013


Tonight while going through my links, I got to Trancer21's site and sadly she posted that someone has posted her stories under a false name. Plagiarism sucks, don't do it and when you find a site that has some, complain as loudly as possible. It is wrong on many levels. Don't let people and web sites get away with it. Power is within us. When many folks go to a site and complain and post openly about these sites, they will stop or get hassled...either is fine with me.

On other notes a beautiful chilly Sunday here. I get one day extra as I took one for a mental health day. All good.

Back to your updates, enjoy!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Busy Day

Today has gone by in a blur. We started the day with two basketball games. Little e's team lost but the sixth grade girls won. It'll be fun to see how they progress this season. Already with the new coach their defensive game is leaps and bounds above what it was last year. Now she just needs to work on getting them to shoot more.

After the game we came home so little e could shower. We picked up Cal and headed to lunch then made a stop at the fabric store for Secret Santa gift supplies.

Cal and I then split off to get comics while E and little e went to the grocery store. Now we're home and settling in by the fire for the evening.

How has your weekend been?


Friday, November 22, 2013


Tamara got home from work to an irritating beeping sound. She first placed it with our alarm system. Which, of course, neither of us can remember the online user id or password, so she had to call the company and explain the issue. Unfortunately for her it was not the alarm system that was beeping. The culprit was likely the fire alarm. She and the customer service rep had a good laugh about that.

She then (now fully irritated) had to get the step stool from the shed as she could not reach the smoke detector with our inside step stool. As she is holding it in her hand the damn beeping continued. She finally tracked it down to our carbon monoxide alarm. It now has new batteries. Another full adventure with Tamara. Made me smile.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, November 21, 2013


Winter is definitely here in the Pacific Northwest. Our forecast through Thanksgiving (11/28) is for sun and cold. We need our rain clouds to keep in the warmth. Needless to say, our fireplace is getting a workout these days.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Who Built the Ark...

Brother Noah built the ark...

Shatterstorm Productions are taking sign-ups for their latest Femslash Advent Calendar Dead of Winter (note: the blurb says "summer themed" but I think that's a copy/paste from the summer version and it really should say "winter themed").

I checked out the Qu'ran for references to Noah. There are plenty scattered about. He also gets his own sura (chapter) - the 71st - Surat Nuh, (Nuh is the Islamic spelling of Noah).

There are differences in the story of Nuh and the Judeo-Christian story of Noah. In the various suras God doesn't destroy the entire world, just the bit that Nuh has been preaching to. (The size of which is undefined, and the exact location unspecified). And there's no mention of how many days it rains. Nuh is attempting to turn the locals away from their worship of many gods to the worship of the one true God (Allah - which simply means God). They ignore him. He prays for help and God tells him he will flood the community and Nuh should warn them. They still ignore him and "are drowned and cast into a fire" (hell). The ark is more of a raft than a ship, and the animals on it are Nuh's farm animals, and the local wild animals. The people are Nuh (but not his wife - she's drowned as an unbeliever), most of his children, (one son is also drowned), and the believers from the community.

The ark/raft ends up on Mount Judi (al-gurdi) location unknown but widely believed to be on the borders of Armenia and Mesopotamia.

Since the Qu'ran only came into existence as an oral tradition during the Prophet Mohammed's lifetime and wasn't written down until after his death (around 632CE) it's fairly useless for historical comparison purposes.

The whole thing is frustrating but fascinating all the same. I think I feel a trip to the library approaching...

And it requires a joke...

The ark has settled, the waters have receded, Noah flings open the door and tells the animals, "Go forth and multiply". The animals all rush out, except two snakes who are huddled in a corner and crying.

Noah walks over to them and asks, "What's the matter??"

The snakes continue sobbing and answer, "We can't multiply, we're Adders."

Noah picks them up and puts them on a table and says, "There you go, now you can."

The snakes are baffled and say, "Huh?? How??"

Noah replies, "It's a log table."

Boom, Boom. Appearing nightly at your local club...

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Way the Mind Works

Our thoughts are with the people of Sardinia, who are suffering the after-effects of a cyclone and heavy rainfall, leading to flooding. Hope the death-toll doesn't get any higher.

Also with those in the US Midwest, recovering from the devastation caused by unseasonal tornadoes.

And still with the Philippines, where aid is starting to get through to some areas, and where the destruction of homes, loss of life, is almost beyond comprehension. (At least our government finally did the right thing and trebled the amount of aid).

And now - ramble..

The mind (or at least my mind) is a wondrously active thing. A bit like a grasshopper on speed.

I was reading a fanfic last Thursday and it had the phrase "he nodded his head". That promptly threw me out of the story as my mind went on a grammar rant.

"His head" is redundant.

"Unless you're referring to an ancient (probably mythical) biblical kingdom the only thing 'nod' applies to IS your head. You can't 'nod' anything else," I grumbled to myself.

Having thought that, my mind immediately jumped to thoughts of that kingdom. I remember reading something – might have been a book, might have be a scholarly article, can't remember exactly – which explored an Africa-centred view of the bible. It offered the theory that "The Kingdom of Nod" was actually the kingdom of Nok in what is now north-eastern Nigeria. It also speculated that the place that Noah might have lived would have been the area near Lake Chad. There were devastating floods in the Saharan region close to Lake Chad in early biblical times.

I thought about that and, fanfic now completely abandoned, whiffled off to see how far Lake Chad was from Israel – and more importantly how likely it was to have been within the Egyptian sphere of influence in Rameses time. I couldn't find a decent map online (there probably is one but google search can be a very blunt instrument at times). So I turned to my (now old, much used, and slightly shabby) copy of The Times Atlas of World History.

Well. It would be pushing it a bit, the distance is great, and while Egyptian influence (and colonisation) extended far beyond the limits of the unified kingdoms, I doubted it would have extended that far. To the edge of what is now the country of Chad, yes, but to the lake.. ?? There's always the chance, of course, that Sudanese traders went as far as Lake Chad. And they were well within the Egyptian orbit. Stories of a great flood could have been passed along, gradually growing in the telling, as these things do, to a world-embracing disaster.

But then I started thinking about the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is widely considered to be the source of the story of Noah, as it pre-dates that by some considerable time. Could a report from Lake Chad have wound up in Mesopotamia before the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt?? How much influence would the Egypt of that period have?? Does the Chad flood pre-date the Epic??

The bible is a little short on dates (and facts) concerning the Israelites in Egypt but archaeologists usually agree it was probably sometime between 1800BCE and 1400BCE. Research told me that the earliest versions of the Epic of Gilgamesh date at around 2150BCE. The Saharan floods took place sometime between 2420 and 2485BCE. Time enough for the tale to have been told and retold by traders and travellers, and stage-by-stage to have reached Mesopotamia. And then I hit links to the Horites – who were Kushites – who did indeed span the territory from Africa to Mesopotamia. Well, that helped with the possibilities. But then... wouldn't the Israelites have gained their knowledge of the story from the Egyptians rather than the Epic??

I started to compare the stories, to see which contained the most similarities, and whether it was likely that the tales of the Saharan floods could have been adapted and formed the basis of both the Epic and the Noah (there is no doubt that the Noah borrows extensively from the Epic). And I hit a major snag – there was no written language in Lake Chad, so no contemporary records exist. All written stories of it date to European colonial times. Any similarities between the stories will likely be because bible-traditional Christian colonists were transcribing oral accounts.


Torn from my academic haze by this frustration I realised that, a) my back was aching from having been hunched over the keyboard, an atlas, six archaeology/ancient history books, and one bible concordance, for God knows how long, and b) time had run away from me and I had to be up for work in just over three-and-a-half hours.

Boy, was I a grumpy git at work on Friday.

I never went back to that fanfic, having completely lost interest. And I doubt I'll be inclined to check out any of the writer's other work. I may, however, return to the story of Lake Chad. I still need to check the Qu'ran for any references there might be.

The moral (if there is one) of this tale – fanfic writers, get your facts right, get your grammar right, get your spelling right. Because if you don't it's likely to be costing you readers. And if you don't have readers then what's the point of publishing your stuff online??


Monday, November 18, 2013

Slow Night

Sorry...only a couple for you tonight, perhaps check out some older updates with more for you to read.

A long Monday night for me as I sit at work and post this update.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Successful Weekend

We checked off everything on our weekend to do list along with that additional one of sweeping the roof clean. That's always fun. We've both decided to skip putting up the Christmas lights this year. The roof is going to need some major babying to last the three more years until the city buys the house.

Duncan had a fun time in Portland visiting his online gaming buddies. Cal's sleepover was a success. E and I got our money done. I'm a lot poorer thanks to Christmas shopping. The end of the month paycheck can't come fast enough.

Now bring on the week!


Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Quiet Saturday

Tamara and I slowly got up on the roof, cleared all the leaves and debris away, then picked up the mess we dropped down. So now we are all ready for more. I am hoping most of them already fell, but you never know. Been a slow day other than that. Tonight only one fic found for you, however a nifty link to numerous. Plenty for you to read there.

Good luck.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, November 15, 2013


Not much planned for us this weekend beyond keeping warm by the fire. I plan on reconciling my money. E will do the same.

Normally we wouldn't have kids but Mike has a weekend full of filming in Tacoma and Duncan is visiting friends in Portland. That leaves Cal with us. He'll get to take advantage of being the only kid and have a sleepover on Saturday.

Whatever your weekend holds, stay safe and have fun.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Is it Friday?

No, only Thursday, but we are close. First make sure you consider giving to some reputable disaster relief fund (Red Cross anyone?). A lot of people need help from us other humans.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013


The UK government has promised to send £10 million to The Philippines to help the disaster relief.

Ten million.

Sounds like a lot when you first read it, doesn't it.

Let's put it in perspective.

It's less than 50pence (half of one pound) per person in the UK.

If I decide to buy a ticket for this Friday's Euromillions (Europe-wide lottery) - cost £2 - my potential winnings are £80 million. (A couple in Scotland once won £148 million!!)

Eighty million pounds. Just for buying a lottery ticket.

That's eight times the measly amount our penny-pinching, expenses-swindling, giving themselves an 11% pay rise whilst imposing austerity measures and cuts on everyone else, privately-educated, bunch of millionaires in government are grudgingly spending (of our money - not theirs) to help huge numbers of people who have lost everything - including most of their relatives.

The British people have already raised £13 million for the Disasters Emergency Committee and similar charities.

And all our government - who are spending £42 billion on a new high-speed rail line which half the country doesn't want - can give is ten million.

Shame on you and your friends, Mr Cameron.

There's a lot to read tonight (I know it doesn't look it but if you click the link for the femslash exchange there's nigh-on 150 stories to try) so I'll let you get reading.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Yep. I do have a little bit more, in the way of updates, for you tonight. Not a lot, mind, but enough.

I don't have a lot to say, however, because it's late (gone midnight), and I'm tired.

Went to the cinema after work - went to see Gravity. The special effects were fantastic. Made me wish (again) that I could go into space. It was worth paying the extra for 3D. (Though nearly £30 for two tickets was very much an "ouch" moment).

Our hearts go out to the people of the Philippines. The devastation and loss of life is almost beyond comprehension. Over ten thousand dead - possibly as many as twenty thousand. More than one hundred thousand made homeless. There are no words that can ever be enough.

If you can spare anything,no matter how little, please consider donating to your local disaster relief charities. Fellow Brits - that would be the multi-charity Disasters Emergency Committee.


Monday, November 11, 2013

Only Two

Not much tonight. I'm sure Ze will dig up more tomorrow. Happy reading!


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ramble from phair

Words from phair.
Announcement: phair here. it's a cold, nearly freezing November morning. the skies have gone steely gray seem to conspire with endless blankets of white whispering clouds to dim the weakened sunlight. nothing else looks like November in New England. it is bleak and ominous and haunted with memories of loss. the season mourns the passing of summer and the rapid approach of its own demise.

and, i mourn too. this Monday will mark the 13th since my brother passed away. he lived longer than all the doctors expected. longer than the CDC data on TBI would suggest. longer enough that most folks forgot he was still alive until they read he died.

he was my best friend and my big brother. i miss him each hour of every day but in November his absence is most profound. nearly unbearable.

Anders is being very kind and one of SGW's written in stone rules. She agreed to a give away of ebook copies of Commencement on Monday. She knew it was really important to me and set it up even though it is a terrible business move. that's the kind of friend Anders is.

You can follow the link to Amazon on 11/11/13 for a free ebook version of Commencement

Free book, head on over...and, phair, thanks for sharing.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, November 09, 2013

Easy Saturday

A nice easy weekend. We took the kids to a couple of craft fairs. Finished up holiday shopping for the grandmas and home before dark. I look forward to relaxation the next couple days as I took Monday off with Tamara and the kids.

Here is hoping your weekend is splendid!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, November 08, 2013


Quiet Friday night for Cal and me. E and little e are off at a Math competition and not expected home until 9 pm. Tomorrow we have one really big craft show one or two much smaller ones to visit. Sunday I desperately need to get my haircut. Monday is Veteran's Day and we're all off work and school.

Now that you've got the rundown on our weekend excitement...go read those updates!


Thursday, November 07, 2013

More Wind and Rain

Like Ze we are seeing wind and rain. Not too bad for us yet. Hopefully it won't become bad either. I am very much looking forward to Friday as I have Monday off...yippee! So our weekend is just around the corner.

Here is hoping y'all are having a splendid week and enjoy your weekend.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Eight-legged Beasties...

It's a bit chilly this evening. Raining and windy outdoors. Down to 15c indoors. Came close to putting the heating on but it's not quite cold enough yet. Another half a degree or so...

I officially saw my first false black widow today. It was crawling across the grass where I was working. It was a lot smaller than I imagined. And it moved a lot slower than I'd expected. As a severe arachnophobe, though, any spider is scary. I can, at least, look at a photo of a spider these days, I used not to be able to, but I've been working on trying to be less frantic about the things. I'm still panic-stricken by the real thing - even one as small as a false black widow. That's not its proper name by the way, but it's the one that (thanks to the more sensationalist sections of the British press) it's generally known by. It's properly called the Noble False Widow. But "false black widow" sounds much more scary. (Photo alert for those who still can't bear pictures - several pics on the page the link takes you to).

The press have been particularly ridiculous about them lately. You'd think they were the worst thing in the universe. Yes, they're Britain's most venomous spider - but, while their bite is rather nasty, they won't kill you. And after all, they aren't new. They've been in this country for over 150 years. The red-tops really should be used to them by now, you wouldn't guess that from the headlines though. Especially when the authorities in Gloucestershire closed a school to fumigate it after they were found. "Invasion of spiders forces school to close". Invasion. Really?? Sounds like a 1950s sci-fi B movie.

It didn't make it right across the grass, this really cute little lizard shot out from under a dock leaf and - pow!! - black widow became lizard lunch. Ah well, circle of life and all that...

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November...

I'm glad E & T got their internet back quickly. Can't believe Little E is thirteen already. Thirteen!! Blimey!!

Weather here has been rain, rain and more rain. The river overflowed again but only fields were inundated. No property damage.

Guy Fawkes night tonight. Loads of fireworks. (Though there have been people setting them off for at least the past two weeks...). And the rain held off just long enough for the big display. Excellent.

And of course we had our traditional evening meal. Jacket spuds, sausages, tomato soup. We couldn't get our usual sausages - Linda McCartney's - fewer shops seem to carry that range, even those who've increased their overall veggie selections. So we tried a new sort. From the Sainsbury's Love Soya range. They were rather nice. We'll definitely be buying those again. The tomato soup is home-made, not out of a tin the way it was when we were young. Chiefly because almost all types of tinned tomato soup have milk in them. So we make - well my cousin makes since I'm dangerous in the kitchen - a tasty tomato and butter bean soup that is rich and creamy-tasting but is vegan. Very nice.


Monday, November 04, 2013


It's good to have our internet back. I'm very thankful we didn't also lose our power. Compared to what many folks went through over the weekend we got off easy.

Sunday our weather was beautiful and sunny with no wind in sight. Today was the same. Wind, you're welcome to return, just try not to blow quite so hard next time.

Tiny update tonight. I bet Ze will have many more tomorrow. Happy reading!


Sunday, November 03, 2013

13 and Counting

Sorry for the delay on yesterday's update, but we spent far too much time looking for working wi-fi with no luck. Today a beautiful sunshine day and Comcast came through with fixing our downed wires. Appreciated.

Today also was my daughter's 13th birthday. Where has the time all gone? She requested we all go out for brunch. It was fun having all our families together and now I am very full and planning on skipping dinner.

Have a great evening.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, November 02, 2013


This space would normally have some links for y'all. Unfortunately our area of the Pacific Northwest was hit by high winds today. Really tall Evergreen trees and high winds do not mix. Power is out in most places. We're lucky and have power but our neighbor's tree split in half and took out the internet. After driving around for an hour searching for a powered free wifi place with no luck we decidted the update would have to be skipped tonight.

Look for us tomorrow. I'm hopeful one of our free wifi spots will be up and running by then. This update was brought to you courtesy of my.smartphone. I really didn't want to check the links from my smartphone. Those of you who are familiar with tiny smartphone keyboards will understand.


p.s. Sorry for the typos.

Friday, November 01, 2013


It was a long week and I'm glad Friday has finally arrived. Have at it.
