Saturday, October 02, 2010

A Washed Car Gathers No Moss

Well, our Saturday is over. As I predicted, we were slugs. We did manage to wash clothes and go to the grocery store so I guess we weren't complete slugs. And E did a little yardwork and mowed the lawn.

I'm almost done updating my checkbook. I procrastinated at the computer for a good two hours before starting it as usual. It's looking like I may have to finish it tomorrow morning.

Will I get to the storage facility with some boxes? I'm still undecided. I'll see how I feel after I take the van to power wash the moss growing in the crevices. Yes, you read that right. I noticed there was moss growing on my car in the sand and grime (from our trip to the ocean) that was pushed into the crevices in the van the last time we went through the automated car wash. I went the entire summer ignoring the fact that my car needed a better scrubbing. Now that the weather is turning wetter, the local flora is making an appearance.

However you spend your weekend (or Monday), have fun.


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