Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Looking back

I've been a bit lost in thought today. Just as well all my work was physical and needed no thinking about.

Four years ago yesterday I set out on my motorcycle for a short journey from my cheap hotel to a writing workshop. And my life changed permanently. I still can't remember the couple of hours leading up to that. All I can remember is a car coming at me and thinking "Oh God, this is gonna hurt". And oh God, did it ever!!

Yep. Yesterday was the four-year anniversary of the bike crash.

I regained most of the use of my arm. (I still can't get it behind my back properly but other than that there's not a lot I can't do). My ribs healed (except the one they removed) and don't hurt at all. I got back all the feeling in my right leg - which is pretty damn' good. I hated it being numb all the time. The plates in my shoulder work well. They ache of course. Every single day. But not in such a way as to cause any real problems. The bolt-heads stick out a bit and are excellent for making my young nieces go "Eww". *g* Unfortunately that also means I can't wear a rucksack over that shoulder, so I have to carry it only on my left shoulder.

The head injury was a nuisance. The blood-clot on my brain dissolved totally (eventually) but, unfortunately, not before doing some damage. I still have no short-term memory. And that's a real bastard. I have to work doubly, or triply, hard to force things into long-term memory. Often I don't bother. I just saw a crap movie?? No worries. I'll forget it by tomorrow. Read an awful story?? Gone without even trying. Of course it makes reading a book more complicated. Not to mention trying to watch a serial on TV. But if I like it enough I'll make the effort.

I was bloody lucky. I can walk and talk. My memory is affected but not my intelligence. I can use my arm. I can work. I can still write. (It's a little harder because I forget stuff - like plot points - if I don't write it down. I spend a fortune on notebooks!!)

And I'm alive. Most people who get knocked off their motorcycles and left for dead usually are dead.

And most important of all I discovered just how brilliant my friends were. And how much they truly were my friends. And I'm still very, very grateful for that.

Stay safe. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.



Karin Kallmaker said...

Count me as one of the people who is very glad that you survived and have made such a come back from those first early predictions. Too stubborn to let the rat bastard who hit you win, maybe? The Finns call is SISU... My dad would say ordinary cussedness. Whatever it is, I'm in awe.

P.S. Keep on looking both ways for the rat bastards please.

E said...

Ze...I am glad you are with us and yes it could have been so much I feel glad that you have the ability to remember.

zero2aries said...

Thanks KK. Yep - way too stubborn. My Da used to call it "too stupid to know when to give up". *g*

zero2aries said...

Thanks E.