Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm Back

Did you miss me?? Huh, huh, did you?? Hah!! I bet you never even noticed I wasn't here. *g*

Sorry I missed a day last week but the broadband was down, as was the phone service and TV for half the street, (those of us who get those things from a cable company), due to a small accident. And no - it wasn't my fault. Not only was I not in the street when it happened, I wasn't even in the city!!

What happened?? On Tuesday morning the woman in the house on the furthest corner of the close had a parcel delivery. According to witnesses (well - according to the street nosey-parker/chief gossip who lives opposite) the delivery van driver was a little careless and parked awkwardly. When he came to leave he realised he'd have to turn right around as he'd squeezed himself into a spot her couldn't comfortably reverse from. As he turned around he misjudged the gap and mounted the pavement (sidewalk). He hit a small, grey, metal cylinder (about a metre high and about 3cm across) set into the pavement on the corner. He took it out completely.

Unfortunately it was the cable junction/routing box which supplied cable to the street.

It took them until Saturday to repair it. Some of the neighbours were looking rather like they'd gone cold turkey from an addiction by then. They had I guess - from a tv addiction. There was some pretty hectic negotiating going on. Those who rely on cable were pleading with those who get satellite transmissions (there's no analogue here any more, it's all digital) because there was some plot-line running in one of the soaps that was (apparently) vital.

We didn't miss the phone (I hate the things). We didn't miss the TV - I hardly ever watch it. But blimey did we miss the internet!!


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