Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Night

I used to enjoy Halloween, but then it was the night of candy (as a kid) and the night of parties (as a young adult). Now i's the night of watching my daughter walk around and get candy and me thinking how completely different it is from way back when and yet not really.

Memories are good and the future just keeps on changing.

Enjoy your update!

Peace, Health and Happiness


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fire good.

Rainy and lazy day for us here this fine Saturday. Fall rain has set in and the newly cleaned fireplace has been providing heat for us all day. Tomorrow my checkbook awaits. Until then, enjoy the updates!


Friday, October 29, 2010

Ramble from phair

Yay! a ramble...
It has been more than a few months since I last rambled. I was in the midst of a free fall way back whenever that was. The demands of my day job pushed me past my breaking point and I walked away from everything I'd been working toward for twenty two years. My midlevel management job was making me worse than just frustrated, I was getting really depressed.

So, I did the thing they tell you never to do...I cashed in my retirement and stopped my mad dash toward heart failure or insanity. I found a housewarming gift from six years ago that I never used before; an umbrella beach chair with attached footrest. For all of April and May, I went to the beach everyday, rain or shine, and watched the water. I let the Atlantic heal my heart break and mend my tattered soul one wave at a time.

I wrote too. Sometimes at the beach and sometimes at my computer in my chilly house with hot coco nearby. I wrote a hundred and fourteen thousand words in one hundred and forty six days to be exact. There were two new stories at my free website and six Dirty Stories of the Month Club and work on two novel length manuscripts. Not bad for somebody in a free fall.

Reality is a cruel bitch though. Cash reserves need frequent replenishing to maintain positive bank balances. So, I've returned to my day job...kind of, sort of. I'm out of the manager loop and sticking with patient care. It is much more satisfying to help somebody regain their ability to speak than to worry about meeting impossible benchmarks. However, it is much more draining emotionally. My patients are old or very ill or both and most will pass away before another summer makes it around to these shores. They tend to know this and cling to caregivers like a lifeline. Some are looking for saving but most are hoping for just an extra minute of your time to shoot the breeze like normal folks do. Normal is in short supply at nursing homes. They crave it even more the closer they get to their final day. That makes it all the more difficult when they say things like, "wait'll next year...those Red Sox will be unstoppable." Sad and brave and crazy all wrapped into one sentence.

My next story on my free site is going to explore the place where I've spent most of my days for the last two decades: a nursing home. Wish me luck.

If you are so inclined to support my efforts then email me encouragement or hit my site hard enough to make the courter jump or subscribe to the Dirty Story of the Month Club. Club members don't know this yet but at Solstice they are getting an extra Dirty Story just to say thanks. Join now and you can get all the back issues and November, December, and Solstice too.

Okay first up...I miss these rambles, do you? Send us one if you are so inclined! Next, phair, once again a big THANK YOU. Oh and lots of luck on that upcoming story! Reminder to all, thank phair and check out her site!

Now back to it.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Weekend

We're heading into Halloween weekend here in the US. Sadly my two will be with Mike this weekend. E has little e though and I guess they'll be walking our neighborhood. I'll stay home and pass out candy to the few brave souls who make it to our part of the neighborhood. I'm thinking we'll have most of the bag of candy left by the end of the night.

Tomorrow is our Halloween party at school. Send good thoughts my way that I don't have a repeat of last year's Halloween party and get bitten.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Looking back

I've been a bit lost in thought today. Just as well all my work was physical and needed no thinking about.

Four years ago yesterday I set out on my motorcycle for a short journey from my cheap hotel to a writing workshop. And my life changed permanently. I still can't remember the couple of hours leading up to that. All I can remember is a car coming at me and thinking "Oh God, this is gonna hurt". And oh God, did it ever!!

Yep. Yesterday was the four-year anniversary of the bike crash.

I regained most of the use of my arm. (I still can't get it behind my back properly but other than that there's not a lot I can't do). My ribs healed (except the one they removed) and don't hurt at all. I got back all the feeling in my right leg - which is pretty damn' good. I hated it being numb all the time. The plates in my shoulder work well. They ache of course. Every single day. But not in such a way as to cause any real problems. The bolt-heads stick out a bit and are excellent for making my young nieces go "Eww". *g* Unfortunately that also means I can't wear a rucksack over that shoulder, so I have to carry it only on my left shoulder.

The head injury was a nuisance. The blood-clot on my brain dissolved totally (eventually) but, unfortunately, not before doing some damage. I still have no short-term memory. And that's a real bastard. I have to work doubly, or triply, hard to force things into long-term memory. Often I don't bother. I just saw a crap movie?? No worries. I'll forget it by tomorrow. Read an awful story?? Gone without even trying. Of course it makes reading a book more complicated. Not to mention trying to watch a serial on TV. But if I like it enough I'll make the effort.

I was bloody lucky. I can walk and talk. My memory is affected but not my intelligence. I can use my arm. I can work. I can still write. (It's a little harder because I forget stuff - like plot points - if I don't write it down. I spend a fortune on notebooks!!)

And I'm alive. Most people who get knocked off their motorcycles and left for dead usually are dead.

And most important of all I discovered just how brilliant my friends were. And how much they truly were my friends. And I'm still very, very grateful for that.

Stay safe. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Guest Ramble

From Joan. Who's having a spot of bother with Windows...

    The joys of using Windows

    I've been using Unix (Linux, mostly) for close to 20 years.
    Right now, however, my only access to the internet is a
    "surfstick", and while this device can be used on a Linux
    box, you *have* to use the provider's software in order to
    use a monthly flatrate -- otherwise it's hideously expensive,
    about 1 Euro per hour. Said (sad?) software is, of course, *not*
    available for Unix...

    So I bit the bullet and bought an inexpensive notebook with
    Windows 7. Yay, 25 Euros for one month unlimited access!

    Then this morning, Firefox informed me about a recommended update.
    Certainly, why not? No way, I was not logged in as an administrator
    (I almost never am, for security reasons). Not a problem, log on
    as "root", install update, forget about it?

    Not so fast... As admin, I couldn't use the stick, because that
    stupid piece of software, started as the other user, does not really
    shut down when told to, and so "device is being used by another
    application" popped up. Geez, I had to shut the bloody system down,
    just to update Firefox! And then do it again, so I could use the
    stick in my normal mode!!! And perhaps I should consider myself
    lucky that Windows at least let me shut it down, instead of insisting
    that I stop an unstoppable process? BAH!

    Do I see anybody out there shrugging their shoulders? Is this supposed
    to be 'normal'? Yes, I did have to shut Unix down because of software
    errors... three times (IIRC) in 20 years! I've already topped that with
    my new and shiny Windows system within the last four weeks.

    I cannot believe that I paid for that crap!


Welcome to the Wonderful World of Windows, Joan.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Wind, Rain and Leaves...

Fall is definitely upon us and I like it. I do have to get back into starting the fire upon getting home. All these little things I had forgotten about out of season.

Here is hoping you all are having a good one! Enjoy your update.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Short and Sweet

In terms of reading material it's a very light end to the weekend. Hope it was relaxing and you're ready for the week ahead.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

An E Kind of Day

The rain has settled in and the wind has picked up. Our trees are in full Fall mode with colors everywhere and tonight some of those beautiful leaves are going to fall.

We got our chimney cleaned yesterday, just in time for us to start up our stove and have a nifty warm fire. It's a rare kid free Saturday evening for us. So on that note, enjoy your update!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, October 22, 2010

In the US, Fall means football....

I must run because I have to get Cal to a cheer camp put on by the Shorecrest High School cheerleaders. I bet he'll be the only boy but he's super excited about getting to do a cheer routine at a real football game. Tonight I'll be freezing my ass off watching a sport I really don't like but it'll be fun seeing Cal out there. Send warm thoughts my way while you're at home reading tonight's slate of stories.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Beautiful Fall Days

It's been a little windy, a little drizzly, a little sunshine and yet a bit chilly...perfect. The one piece of Fall I could skip and sadly havn't is the cold season. It's already has taken our house down. Oddly enough the kids have been the healthier of the bunch. Tamara and I have been hit worse. Still coughing up my lungs and ready for it to stop.

Other than that we've been busy and I cannot even say with what, but our lives seem filled with stuff all around.

Welcome to Fall (at least in our neck of the planet).

Now back to the usual, enjoy!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Wore a purple T-shirt to work.

Spirit Day

It Gets Better Project

Purple Your Profile

Not much else to say. Enjoy your updates. Good night, stay safe, and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm Back

Did you miss me?? Huh, huh, did you?? Hah!! I bet you never even noticed I wasn't here. *g*

Sorry I missed a day last week but the broadband was down, as was the phone service and TV for half the street, (those of us who get those things from a cable company), due to a small accident. And no - it wasn't my fault. Not only was I not in the street when it happened, I wasn't even in the city!!

What happened?? On Tuesday morning the woman in the house on the furthest corner of the close had a parcel delivery. According to witnesses (well - according to the street nosey-parker/chief gossip who lives opposite) the delivery van driver was a little careless and parked awkwardly. When he came to leave he realised he'd have to turn right around as he'd squeezed himself into a spot her couldn't comfortably reverse from. As he turned around he misjudged the gap and mounted the pavement (sidewalk). He hit a small, grey, metal cylinder (about a metre high and about 3cm across) set into the pavement on the corner. He took it out completely.

Unfortunately it was the cable junction/routing box which supplied cable to the street.

It took them until Saturday to repair it. Some of the neighbours were looking rather like they'd gone cold turkey from an addiction by then. They had I guess - from a tv addiction. There was some pretty hectic negotiating going on. Those who rely on cable were pleading with those who get satellite transmissions (there's no analogue here any more, it's all digital) because there was some plot-line running in one of the soaps that was (apparently) vital.

We didn't miss the phone (I hate the things). We didn't miss the TV - I hardly ever watch it. But blimey did we miss the internet!!


Monday, October 18, 2010

Yay! Monday is over.

I made it through Monday. Usually they aren't too bad but today was a tough one for our kids at school. I'm hoping tomorrow goes a lot more smoothly.

E is still feeling like crap. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I won't get the crud as well.

You have a fair amount to read tonight. Have at it.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Colds suck...

...and with fall upon us, I have picked one up. Feel cruddy all over. So on to your updates. Enjoy.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

October Traditions

Today we went with the kids to The Farm for pumpkin patch fun. The weather was gorgeous which meant people were out in force. I've been to The Farm for several years now and I've never seen it this busy. We ended up skipping lunch there and cut out after picking pumpkins. Then it was off to a Craft Show in Bothell. I did manage to find two gifts and one very cool Justice League patterned quillow for me. Not that we need any more blankets but I couldn't resist it.

Tomorrow little e has a birthday party to attend. Big E has cookies to deliver. I reckon I'll take something to read and tag along.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Late Friday Update

We had a busy day with the two younger kids and myself seeing Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole. I think we all enjoyed it. Tamara and Duncan saw Resident Evil: Afterlife. Quote from Tamara "Resident Evil: Afterlife was just as gloriously cheesy as the previous RE movies. As always, Milla J is a goddess." Duncan was not as impressed.

So back to your updates...Enjoy. We are off to the pumpkin patch and a holiday market craft show, hence another busy one.

Peace, Health and Happiness!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Friday is so close....

I have nothing interesting to say tonight. I guess I must be tired. Happy reading!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Yep, y'all are stuck with more boring rambles once again. Our beloved Ze will return next week as scheduled. Until then, go read!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Say it Loud, Out and Proud.

It's National Coming-Out Day here in the UK. Lord knows why we have to have a different day to the rest of the known universe, but that's us Brits for you. Contrary buggers.

Not that I've ever been anything but out. In fact if I ever even tried to hide who I am everyone I spoke to would probably fall over laughing. I'm pretty much a walking stereotype and anybody looking at me wouldn't have to speculate. They could say with absolute certainty, "Yep, she's one".

I'm lucky enough to live in a country where I can't be fired for being gay. Where it's illegal to deny me a service (hotel room, drink in a bar, meal in a restaurant, rent a house, etc.) simply on the grounds of being gay. Where not only do LGBT soldiers openly and proudly serve their country, but they are granted married quarters if they're partnered. And they are featured on the front cover of the British army's own magazine Soldier!!

A country where the non-British partners of LGBT folk are allowed to immigrate to join their partners. (Not without jumping through a large quantity of legal hoops designed to ferret out non-genuine applicants - but it's the same for straight folks).

Of course it's not perfect here. I can't get "married". I can have a "civil partnership" instead. It's identical to a civil marriage ceremony in everything but name - but it's still not quite equal.

And I can still get beaten up for being gay. It's legally a hate-crime and the police (also openly and proudly serving) will do their damnedest to bring the criminals to justice.

And kids still get bullied in school.

So - for those kids, and for equality for LGBT folk everywhere. Loud and Proud and Lesbian!!


Monday, October 11, 2010

Welcome back, BuffynFaith.Net....

Today is National Coming Out Day if you're in the US and in many other parts of the world. In Ze's neck of the woods it falls on the 12th. Hope your day was grand no matter how it was spent.

As you can see, BuffynFaith.Net is finally back online. You have a lot to read.

Not only do you have these links you can also head over to this lovely LJ site: The Bechdel Test Comment Fic-a-thon. There's a link after the explanation and you will be greeted by a long list of fiction. Have at it.


Sunday, October 10, 2010


What a nifty date...being the Math geek, I thought it was important to point out the wonderful number. Tamara disagreed (not being a math geek) and happily let me ramble at you all so I could highlight the splendidness of it all.

So there you have it...

Peace, Health and Happiness all.
