Monday, June 16, 2008

Insert Chicken Clucking Here

I feel like I've spent the day running around like a chicken with my head cut off. First many morning errands needed to be done with two kids in tow. Then back home to wait for the plumber. I cracked the whip and got the boys to help me organize the mess in the living room. As I'm trying to sort through stuff for packing, Cal is rooting through the bins from the attic and dragging old toys into the house. Agh!

The plumbers completed their work and we were off to the doc's for a quick visit to have him check out the kids' sore throats. Good infection (nor strep). I probably wouldn't have bothered taking them but we're leaving for Disneyland on Saturday and I knew if I blew it off they'd get really sick just when we needed to go. Both kids were bouncing off the walls in the doctor's office though so I'm assuming they'll be fine by Saturday.

Now the update is done and I must get dinner rustled up. Sleep, then tomorrow more headless chicken time for me....


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