Sunday, June 08, 2008


A weekend of visiting relatives and I've done absolutely nothing yet feel wiped. Probably a result of too much chit chatting and having to be "on". I'm actually looking forward to my Monday filled with nothing but organizing our stuff. The kids will be at Chalice Camp all week so 8 hours or so each day of quiet will be blissful.



Anonymous said...

What on earth is 'chalice camp'? Do they go searching for the Holy Grail? ;P

Tamara said...


No, Chalice Camp is the First Unitarian Church of OKC's annual week long camp for kids. When I was a kid I went to Vacation Bible School for a week every summer. No bibles at Chalice Camp but they learn lots of good things about the earth and have fun running around outside, swimming, boating and playing in mud.

The chalice with a flame in the middle is used as the symbol of Unitarian Universalism.