Monday, June 30, 2008

Small Bites

I started in the dreaded garage today. My garbage cans are full (fortunately tomorrow is trash day). I've got a new junk day pile started. And slowly but surely my garage sale pile is being built. Most of the garage is full of stuff we're going to move. My boxes of Christmas ornaments alone take up a huge chunk. There are also the random boxes left over from the last move that were never sorted through. That's loads of fun. Although I was wondering where my red longjohns were and I found them today. Straight into the wash those puppies went. They'll be great for those cold Washington nights when we're trying to save money by keeping the heating bill low.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Back to Reality

Tomorrow starts a new work week. One good piece will be it's a short one...Friday off for 4th of July. Sadly I guess my daughter and I brought the heat back with us. It must have crawled into our baggage amongst the tiny souvenirs.

Seattle is scorching in the 90's and that is just plain wrong. I do realize for many of you folks this is nothing, however for us pacific northwest folks this is too damn hot. Hence being a good slug and doing nothing other than drinking lots of water. I was productive earlier as I mowed the lawn and went to the grocery store. Now I'm being smart and not moving.


Saturday, June 28, 2008


We arrived safely home a little after midnight. I was pooped and ready to crash so was mom. Cal was wired and Duncan felt like it was a good time to turn on his computer and check his email. He wasn't tired at all and couldn't understand how we could be so tired just from traveling all day. Little shit.

I wielded the mighty staff of mom and made him shut it all down and go to bed. There was no way I was dealing with a preteen sleeping the day away. Mom said for someone who wasn't tired at all he sure fell asleep quickly once he got in bed.

Today we took it easy. Mom was taken home. The lawnmower, which we left with dad to mow his lawn, was brought back to our house. Duncan has some yard work to do Sunday or Monday. We picked up Max from his vacation spot (my friend Tracey's house). He was super excited to see us and yipped and ran around like a crazy dog. His pal Hoss will miss him a lot when we move.

Right now the kids are off at a birthday party and I'm enjoying a much deserved break from children.


Friday, June 27, 2008

The Magic Is Over

Tamara and family are headed back to OKC. My daughter and I arrived safely in Seattle mid afternoon. Hence back to reality. Chores, chores, and a few more chores.

Actually It'll be nice to sleep in my own bed tonight. I don't actually look forward to coming back to our little heat wave this weekend when my lawn is in such desperate need of mowing. I guess I will try and tackle that late one evening before the work week begins.

If you are interested in seeing our vacation pictures holler at me and I can share the link. Warning, there are many.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. Enjoy!


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Almost Home

Vacation is almost at an end. We spent the morning at Disneyland and tonight we'll unwind with a movie in downtown Disney. The grandmas are officially pooped and I think the kids are ready for home as well. Even with the prospect of packing up our house I'm ready for my own bed and routine.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The sun shines...

...but not quite as hotly, hence a lovely day at the park. Now if we could only have a few thousand folks get out of our way while waiting in lines for the rides. Oh ,things are going dandy! I even got my American Express back after I left it at the restaurant today. We visited a few more pieces of Disney and tonight we'll head back to California Adventure for more fun to be had.

So now back to your regularly scheduled updates! Enjoy.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Disneyland...yeah, still here.

We've got the routine down. Get up at 6 am, head to the free breakfast, get slathered up with sunscreen, get on the bus, stand in line, Disneyland chaos begins. We've learned to leave by 2 otherwise all of us are totally wiped. Yesterday we were even able to go back to the park around 6 pm and spend three hours fighting the crowds and watching fireworks. Today we've tried the same schedule and it's worked well. Tonight we're going to check out the Disney's California Adventure park. Word on Disneyland Main Street is getting character autographs is a breeze there.

Voting is over for The Royal Academy of Bards: Bard Challenge #19. Be sure and check out the winners.


Monday, June 23, 2008

Day 2 at the Park

We all had a great time at the park, it certainly got a bit crowded though. We left with a bit of energy to spare. This way we plan on resting up and returning this evening. Hopefully ready for more fun with fewer folks.

So, until then enjoy 'em.


Sunday, June 22, 2008


The park is large (very) and when it is in the mid 90's there really is not enough shade or water. Over all we did wonderfully for our first day past the front doors. We got to actually ride a few things and spend money freely. (helping our economy of course)

Tomorrow more of the same. We all seem to be adjusting better than I thought. Yesterday to be honest was hell. Today at least fun and hell.

Tomorrow we shoot for less hell more fun.

Enjoy your updates!


Saturday, June 21, 2008


We made it to Anaheim. It's hot and my older laptop won't pick up wireless internet in the hotel. I'm stuck using my son's newer laptop, which does pick up the wireless but I keep screwing up with my typing since I'm not used to his keyboard. It's amazing what happens when you think you're hitting the shift key and suddenly you're some place totally random in your text. I'm trying not to get too cranky about this.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Miracles of Medicine

Vacation starts tomorrow morning as we head off to the land of Disney. Of course getting to this great moment has been less than perfect. Daughter was diagnosed with Strep Throat Thursday morning and my Menieres disease has decided to flare leaving me a bit unstable. As always timing is everything.

We both have lots of drugs and are feeling wiped out and yet darn excited for an airplane ride to drop us off near the magical kingdom to meet up with Tamara and family.

With that in mind please note the updates over the next week are going to a bit sporadic time wise. We will do our best, but you never know...the park may suck us in.

Now get busy, because there seems to be a lot this evening. Enjoy!


Thursday, June 19, 2008


Spent the day at Whitewater with the kids. Nothing much done toward the move beyond depositing Mike's final check from work. Friday will be spent getting the last items rounded up for vacation beginning Saturday. I hope to be able to relax fully because once we return things must be moved into high gear. I absolutely have to face that garage and divide moving sale items from items we're moving. The garage in July...yay!

Y'all be sure to check out The Royal Academy of Bards: Bard Challenge #19. Voting ends June 22nd and a few stories have been added to the line up.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Hope y'all have plenty of time to read....
Second Helpings from arrives with more stories and an expanded scope. In our new anthology, incredibly talented writers explore what it means to be lesbian and, in so doing, add definition to ours.

Please welcome in Second Helpings the enduring pens of Lee Lynch and Marianne K. Martin; the award-winning insights of Nicola Griffith, Susan Hawthorne and Ruthann Robson; the dynamic voices of Erin Davies and Lorenza Martelli; and the diverse contemporary adult fiction of Ovidia Yu, Fran Walker, Stacia Seaman, Lois Cloarec Hart, Robin Alexander, Fletcher DeLancey, Jac Hills and C.C. Saint-Clair.

Second Helpings is now available to download from

But wait, there's more!

To celebrate the release of Second Helpings, we are giving away a free e-book courtesy of Spinifex Press! All you have to do is send us a picture of Second Helpings in a funny or unusual location. (Nothing dangerous or X-rated please, as the winning pic will be posted on our blog.)

Click this link to view Spinifex Press's range of e-books

Send us your picture and your contact details by 31 July in an email to, with the subject line: Photo contest. One picture per entrant.

The winner will be announced the week after.

We hope you enjoy the book.

Evecho and Linda Lorenzo, Editors.

You've got a lot to read. Get busy and don't forget the feedback.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Zooming By

Time seems to be moving quickly this week. Vacation is so close and both daughter and I are very much looking forward to it. Work has been packed and it seems I haven't actually accomplished much, but at least I've tried.

Enjoy your updates.


Monday, June 16, 2008

Insert Chicken Clucking Here

I feel like I've spent the day running around like a chicken with my head cut off. First many morning errands needed to be done with two kids in tow. Then back home to wait for the plumber. I cracked the whip and got the boys to help me organize the mess in the living room. As I'm trying to sort through stuff for packing, Cal is rooting through the bins from the attic and dragging old toys into the house. Agh!

The plumbers completed their work and we were off to the doc's for a quick visit to have him check out the kids' sore throats. Good infection (nor strep). I probably wouldn't have bothered taking them but we're leaving for Disneyland on Saturday and I knew if I blew it off they'd get really sick just when we needed to go. Both kids were bouncing off the walls in the doctor's office though so I'm assuming they'll be fine by Saturday.

Now the update is done and I must get dinner rustled up. Sleep, then tomorrow more headless chicken time for me....


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Now that spring has finally arrived I found a small bit of energy to begin some desperately needed house work. It may have been slowly coming (sun and energy), but I can say I'm happy to see it. This time next week I'll be off playing in way too much heat at Disneyland. Kiddo, grandma and I will be meeting up with the Hodge clan in hopes of fun for all.

Accomplishments today and it felt good. Didn't have lots of energy, but at this point anything I get done is helpful. I'm trying to have a majority of my long ago written list completed prior to vacation, which officially begins on Saturday. Hence it could be a very busy week.

Now back to your updates. Enjoy 'em.


Saturday, June 14, 2008


I survived my Chalice Camp overnight. It's tradition to have the junior counselors camp out the last day of Chalice Camp. Usually Mike is one of the responsible adults but his mother got married today and he needed to be at her house this morning pretty early. We could have blown it off but with the move to Seattle this would be Duncan's last camp out.

All went well last night. The kids canoed on the pond and swam. They played with fire, listened to music, made hobo pockets for dinner, roasted marshmallows and generally acted like a bunch of middle school age kids. Cal was, of course, fascinated by the fire. What kid isn't. Mike made it to the campground in time to watch the kids swim and eat dinner. He hung out until around 1 am and headed back home.

By ten Cal and I were in our tent and he was sleeping like the dead. Sleeping so soundly in fact that he never heard the thunderstorm that hit around midnight. He missed me cursing as I fiddled with a stuck zipper on the tent door in the wee hours of the morning. That 4 am pee is a killer when you have to hike with a flashlight to the bathrooms. He missed his brother coming in around 3 am shivering and cold because the door to the boys tent wasn't shut properly and cold rain got into it during the night.

We did manage to make it to my mother-in-law's wedding on time. Let's forget the fact that I managed to screw up my google maps directions on the way back and missed an important turn. We still made it by golly just not as early as I'd intended. Tonight we're all sitting around like zombies thankful that tomorrow will be a lazy, relaxing Sunday.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Work Week Ends

Now the house work begins. Seems there is a never ending pattern. Oh well, keeps me out of trouble (most of the time).

I am still waiting for spring as Seattle's weather is stalled. However, on the much brighter side I would prefer our cold drizzly gray days compared to those poor folks on the east-cost with the heat waves or even the flooding in the mid-west. Best of luck to all of you.

Now back to the updates and enjoy!


Thursday, June 12, 2008


More sorting through our stuff today. The kids' clothes are officially culled. Tomorrow while they're at camp I'm going to use the time to go through some toys and get rid of things. I could never do that with them here. They would insist that the item I was removing was their absolute favorite and they'd be crushed if it couldn't follow them to Washington.

My afternoon will be spent going to the camp where the kids have been all week and setting up to spend the night in a tent. Fun! Mike will be making an appearance but heading home for the night to sleep. His mom is getting married on Saturday and he's in the wedding. I'm longing for Sunday's peace and quiet already....


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mid Week

Today brings us one day closer to my vacation. In ten days Tamara and I will meet up with children and grandparents for 6 fun-filled days at Disneyland. Between now and then it seems I need to get busy. Work and home all need to be dealt with and me procrastinating is leaving time to be a bit squeezed as we move forward.

So tonight a quick reminder, life brings us opportunities in so many ways. Don't overlook what may be a moment of greatness. Enjoy your updates.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bad Day...

...And entirely of my own making. Let those writers know what you think.


Monday, June 09, 2008

Ramble from Phair

Yippee...another shared moment from Phair.
Last week, I spent Sunday with five of the most important women in my life. My three nieces, sisters all, and their mother, my sister in law, and my own sister had cleared their collective schedules for us to meet and eat and see Sex and the City.

I got the tickets in advance via the computer and $60 with of credit card debt. I felt like a friggin' genius being able to figure out the directions on my lonesome. Many modern skills are unlearnable for folks in the over 40 crowd. Folks like me.

The Jeep was tanked up the night before with $71 worth of gas. We'll discuss my enormous carbon foot print another time. I set off with time to spare so, no matter what traffic awaited me, I would arrive on time.

Twenty six miles later, I arrived at my sister's house. Her boy ran up and hugged me around the knees while chanting, "Gee Gee Gee." It's all he is able to pronounce of my extensive first name. However, it is more than good enough for me. My heart always feels like it will burst when this kid hugs me. Tears are always close when I hug him back. "I love you more," I whisper in his sweet ear.

My sister's eight month old daughter is more suspicious of me. I swear she remembers that when I show up her Mom disappears for a while. And, the girl will have nothing to do with me. She gave me a quick frown and turned her head away to make me disappear.

We make our departure without tears. Next we picked up my oldest niece. Her escape plan was flawless. All her kids were down for naps and she waited in the yard for us to arrive. We were off in great time for our hour drive to my sister in law's house. My other two nieces would meet us there. The plan seemed reasonable sound. Meet. Eat. Go to the movies. In hindsight, I should have seen trouble on the horizon.

As we approached my sister in law's exit, I suggested we call and order the pizza. My niece fearing her mom would do the same called the house to check. My sister in law insisted the pizza be delivered.

"But we're going right past the place," I tried.

My sister in law had a coupon which was only good for delivery. There is no way to win with my sister in law if there is a discount involved. She almost wet herself when I told her I got the tickets for matinee prices. No, we could not win against a 2 for 1 special.

Here's where things get fuzzy for me. We were waiting and laughing; poking fun at each other. You know, locker room humor for girls. Then I saw it out of the corner of my eye. My sister's chin quivered. Oh no, tears. We strayed too close to a sore and tender wound that is nowhere near healing. We should have known better. It happened so fast. Tears turned to deep, gut wrenching sobs. I did the only thing I'm truly equipped to do. I locked myself in the bathroom and wept into two handfuls of toilet paper. See, I'm good in a crisis because I know my limitations. Hiding is my strong suit.

Fortunately, my sister in law keeps her bathroom well stacked with reading supplies. There's always a Yankee hanging around. This time I got lucky. There was a copy of YOU, the owner's manual. A pretty good read.

Anyway, I managed to stop crying and came out of the bathroom when my sister knocked. We shared a couple of dumb exchanges and a few more tears. Then it was time for pizza. I had my pizza with Advil on top. Slowly, we began to rebuild our momentum, one chuckle at a time.

We were almost back to pre-sob levels as we walked out the door to the Jeep. I got in behind the steering wheel while bodies piled into the usually unused seats. Somebody got jammed in the wayback. Out of habit, I check my phone. I swear I was just looking at the time.

Firing up the engine, I press for messages. It's my GYN (sorry, I can't spell gynecologist). She's wondering if I've repeated some tests I took months ago. WTF! It's a Sunday afternoon. My sister knows something's wrong. "Switch seats," she says, "and call your doc back." It's Sunday afternoon.

My support team began to rattle off all the good reasons my doc would call me. None are anything I should be alarmed about. They're all reassuring but, IT'S SUNDAY AFTERNOON. My doc was easily reachable but the call cut out before she got to the point of calling me on a Sunday afternoon.

No bars.
No bars.

Okay, the doc is not worried, so to speak. She just wants me to be sure to repeat the tests. And, get back to visit her. Make an appointment for June 27. Oh yeah, enjoy the movie. My doc is also my sister's doc and my sister in law's doc; one big, usually, happy family.

And, we pull into the parking lot.

Getting to tickets from the kiosk (don't you just love that word) was remarkably easy...if you put your credit card in right. Done. Tickets in hand, it was time to divide and conquer. Nieces and Sister in law go for the seats. My sister and me go for the food. Hey, I'm a large mammal, I know my strengths.

While we were waiting for two hot tubs of buttered popcorn and three reservoirs of diet coke, my sister looked at me and her lip quivered. Don't. Her eyes fill. No. She opens her mouth to speak. Stop. And she says, "Sorry." Fine. I survived the moment without reducing myself to a blubbering mess...again. "Okay, we finished it. Now, let's never speak of this again." Agreed.

I know, you're gonna ask, "How was the movie?" Not nearly as dramatic as the trip to get there.


Well, the moments getting there are actually more important. Movies come and go, the memories of our life stay with us forever. Glad you got both. Thanks, Phair, for sharing...we appreciate it!

Now on to your updates, enjoy 'em.


Sunday, June 08, 2008


A weekend of visiting relatives and I've done absolutely nothing yet feel wiped. Probably a result of too much chit chatting and having to be "on". I'm actually looking forward to my Monday filled with nothing but organizing our stuff. The kids will be at Chalice Camp all week so 8 hours or so each day of quiet will be blissful.


Saturday, June 07, 2008

Weekend Slug

Seattle is going through some rare cold June days. I'm hoping for the return of some warmer weather soon. It does let me off the hook to mow the yard though. On and off rain all day isn't prime mowing weather. Hence...slug I am, sadly I'm not alone as I can watch them slide across my back porch area.

An odd thing for me, but I actually look forward to a bit more sun and soon. Until then I will put a log on the fire and try to warm up my house without turning on the dreaded heat again.

Now back to your updates, enjoy 'em!


Friday, June 06, 2008


My summer heat is in full swing...I'm soaking it up because I know I won't be getting that in Seattle.

Today Duncan and I took apart the old swing set and hauled mucho crap to the curb for junk haul off on Monday. I was sure wishing we had set up the pool for a quick cool off.


Thursday, June 05, 2008

Spring or Fall?

Today oddly enough feels closer to fall than spring. One of those heavy gray days with no sunbreaks but filled with off and on rain and in the mid 40's, brrrr. I actually turned my heat back on. I turned off that puppy mid May and sadly was forced into turning it back on today. I think both cats and my daughter are pleased with that choice as am I at the moment.

So now back to your updates, enjoy 'em.


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Little Steps

The first part of moving begins: sorting through the crap in Duncan's room. My task today was made easier because Duncan didn't help me. Yesterday he went through the trash and "rescued" a few items. I told him that if he didn't help he didn't have the right to double check my trash. Score one for mom.

Cal's room will be easier. He doesn't have that twelve year old boy tendency to be a slob. I found dirty socks that have been hidden for months, candy wrappers, gum wrappers, a dish or two, homework (probably some that he "lost" and didn't turn in as a result), and bits of toys. A big box is full of stuff for garage sale/thrift store and I'm seeing light at the end of the tunnel. But only when it comes to his room. The rest of the house awaits....


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Ramble from Jayden

Tonight an author's ramble/request....
Okay, I'll admit it. I have a problem.

That's the first step right? Admitting it? Okay, so I've admitted it, now what?

Well, sweet baby Moses in a reed basket, what good does it me to take the first step if I don't know what the second one is?

I have a problem. And I feel comfortable talking about it because I am certain that someone out there will empathize, share my agony. I can't be the only one who feels like this, can I? Am I really all alone out there, in this big scary world? Does no one understand what it's like to feel this way? Am I just some freak of Nature without precedent?

I try to ignore it, try to stave off the compulsion, but willpower only goes so far. It starts out as a tiny voice in the back of my mind, baiting me. Then the voice isn't so tiny anymore and it doesn't plead or beg anymore, it commands. "Just one," It tells me. "Just this once, you can handle it." I've tried and tried, but I can't do it on my own. It's too big for me to conquer on my own. I need help. Your help. Someone's help. There are twelve steps, right? I've got the first step down. I've admitted it. I need someone to tell me what the second step is.

I have a problem. Whenever I post a new story, whether it be a tasty morsel of femslash or a snippet of my original works, I can't help myself. I might be able to struggle against the urges for awhile, but inevitably I fall into the same sick pattern. Point. Click. Refresh. Point. Click. Refresh. Until I'm lost to my obsession again.

I can't stop it, once it starts. That one click turns into another that turns into twenty. Pretty soon I'm checking my e-mail every five minutes and checking the web statistics on my site. I have to know: has someone sent me feedback? Are people even reading my site? How many hits since I last checked? Inevitably I spiral downwards until my finger is bleeding from tapping the refresh key and I'm curled into the fetal position, a tired, broken wee lesbian.

I can't help it. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. And I keep checking and checking my e-mail despite the fact it is always empty. I even click the refresh button twice in a row really quick because I don't believe Hotmail when it tells me my inbox is empty.

I've struggled with it. The shame, the guilt. The weird looks my girlfriend gives me when my head hits the keyboard as I collapse into a weeping, snotty heap. I can't do it anymore, I can't go on like this. There is only so many times I can hit rock bottom, so many times I can squeegee the tears from my monitor.

You can help. It's easy for you to turn your back, to walk away if you or no one you know has ever had this problem, but for the love of lesbians, put yourself in my shoes. If you were me, wouldn't you want to know that people cared? That you weren't totally alone in the world?

With your help, I'm sure I can pull through this. All I ask is for a bit of understanding, a smidgen of support, and a little feedback. Take a moment or two out of your busy lives. If you read my writing, leave a comment, send an e-mail, if you loved it or hated it. It doesn't matter. I just want to know. And it isn't as if people aren't reading it; I obsessively track the web stats, remember? Please, find it in your hearts to spare a few words of tender encouragement or even a violent flame, if not for me, then for the little Jayden in us all.

It wasn't easy to make the decision to come forward with my problem. I am sure some people will judge me, think I'm weak or sick. Some people will pretend they never read this. But if I've helped one person, one lesbian with the same problem as me, then it is all worth it. Hopefully, by coming forward with my problem, I will give others the strength and courage to deal with their own feedback addictions.

Together, we can build a world where a lesbian writer never signs onto an empty inbox.

Jayden Scott

There you have it! Take some time to check out Jayden's Stories and let her know your thoughts. She will appreciate it!

Now back to your updates, enjoy 'em.


Monday, June 02, 2008

Not just another Monday....

I was wrong. Indy 4 was a lot of fun. I officially enjoyed it as much as I did the first one. That just goes to prove that only Indy movies with Karen Allen in them are worth a darn.

In other news...the Hodge Lodge is moving to Washington. Mike has gotten his Microsoft dream job and the kids and I will have a summer of packing. I'm a little freaked out as you might imagine. One step at a time....
