Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring in Oklahoma

I count myself darn lucky. We're finally heading into Spring and, unlike E, no snow to be seen. We've had a few thunderstorms and tornado watches but that's par for the course this time of year. Last night we were woken around 1:30 am by the sound of tornado sirens. Being typical Oklahomans we didn't panic, we turned on the television to see what the weatherman was saying. Lucky for us the storm was moving past us rather quickly so we ignored the sirens and went back to sleep. Spring in Oklahoma...gotta love it.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring in Seattle...

...doesn't usually (like never) include snow. Never say never, I do like that song, and now I get to think those thoughts. The last few days have been "special" in Seattle. Kids, including mine, are all pumped up about the springtime snow. What? In Seattle at the end of March. Gee in my 44 years I can remember it once. Hence, not a common occurrence.

So another oddity today with a few more snow flakes and I with many other adults and plants in this city hope it's the last we see for months. I'm thinking 8 would be about right.

Now back to your updates. Enjoy them!


Saturday, March 29, 2008


Your first reminder about Bedazzled Ink's newest venture.....
I Sing a Song of Xena: The Bardic Voice of the Xenaverse a collection of well-researched yet entertaining essays that explores some aspect of Xena fan fiction and the bards who write it.

A vibrant part of the Xenaverse is the outpouring of fan fiction featuring the cast of characters from Xena: Warrior Princess. Some of these bards are writers who thought it would be fun to pen fan fiction, but most are ordinary people who had never written a story in their lives before writing for the Xenaverse. They were inspired by both the television series and by the writings of fellow bards on the Internet to write their own stories and share them with the Xenite community.

If you're interested in participating, put together a brief proposal of the topic you want to write about. Remember, except for broad overviews, the narrower the scope of the topic, the better. We're looking for well-researched in depth explorations of whatever you choose to write about.

Send proposals to Put Proposal: I Sing a Song of Xena in the subject line.

Thank you and we look forward to your proposal ideas.

The Minions of Bedazzled Ink Publishing

More about the Xenaverse Scrolls:

This is a totally keen project. Think about submitting if you've got something to share.


Friday, March 28, 2008

Reminder from Jo

Busy week and happy that it is Friday! Tonight a quick reminder from Jo.
Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Awards

A reminder to all that the current nomination period is due to close in four (4) days. If you haven't put your nominations in yet please login to the website ( enter them into the database. As always if you prefer you can email them directly to me (

Thanks to all of you who have already nominated books and authors.

Jo Fothergill
There you have it, folks! Move along time is near. Now back to the regularly scheduled programming. Enjoy your updates!


Thursday, March 27, 2008

I'm Off!

Lots to read tonight and I'm off to do my soccer mom duty and drive Cal to soccer practice. Enjoy 'em!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Announcement from Bedazzled Ink!

Something splendid is coming our way!
Rogue Books is slinking out of a musty well-hidden back room of Bedazzled Ink Publishing Company with an exciting new project, The Xenaverse Scrolls. We want to document the Xenaverse phenomenon before memories fade about its origins and history. Call us crazy but we want everyone to know about the wonderful phenomenon of the Xenaverse. So Xenites of the world unite! Be as crazy as we are and help us capture this amazing world created by the fans of Xena: Warrior Princess and preserve it for present and future generations to view with awe and envy, and for scholars to study and analyze and write scroll upon scroll of scholarly prose.

This series of scrolls, converted to the convenient book format, will contain personal stories and well-researched, in-depth essays covering all aspects of the Xenaverse. Join us in this celebration of the Xenaverse. Become of a part of the Xenaverse history.

We are currently looking for contributions for the following volumes:

I Sing a Song of Xena: The Bardic Voice in the Xenaverse
A collection of essays that explore Xena fan fiction and the bards who write it. Deadline for proposals: May 1, 2008.

The Five Dinars' Tour of the Xenaverse
A guidebook to the important destinations, way stations, and landmarks in the cyberworld created by the fans of Xena: Warrior Princess. Deadline for proposals: May 1, 2008.

Fifteen Candlemarks of Fame: Celebrities from the Xenaverse
A celebration of the special individuals whose unique talents and personalities has captured the highest respect of their fellow Xenites. Deadline for proposals: May 1, 2008.

Herding Cats With Melissa Good: A Celebration of a Reluctant Merwolf
A collection of essays about Melissa Good's life, work, and influences. Deadline for proposals: June 1, 2008.

Beyond the Xenaverse: The Uber Phenomenon
A collection of essays that explore Uber-dom and the bards who write Uber fiction. Deadline for proposals: June 1, 2008.

If you're interested in participating, read the submission guidelines for each book and put together a brief proposal of the topic you want to write about. Remember, except for broad overviews, the narrower the scope of the topic, the better. We're looking for well-researched, in depth explorations of whatever you choose to write about.

Visit for the complete descriptions and guidelines for each book.

Thank you and we look forward to your proposal ideas.

The Minions at Bedazzled Ink Publishing

Okay gang there you have it and believe me more to come! Enjoy your updates!


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ramble from Zigpal

Rebelrsr's ramble snagged us one from Zigpal.
Like Chris, I have pondering this for a few days. It's probably why we get along so well. I personally have done the full spectrum of fanfiction. I started out just as a reader before becoming a reader who gave the author feedback for their hard work, and when I started writing, I found out quickly how much fun it is to have people telling you that they liked your stories.

I thought I had done everything you can do in fanfiction until fourteen months ago, I get this message from a phenomenal writer wanting me to be her beta. It started out as just making sure the characters were acting the way they were supposed to, but now I have become a muse-wrangling, character keeping, author calming beta/friend, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Tim (aka Zigpal)
Zigpal's CSI Femslash

I love hearing from you folks who write fanfiction and what compels you to write it. Any other takers on rambling for us about this topic or whatever strikes your fancy...drop me a line.


Monday, March 24, 2008

End of Day

As Monday comes to a close (yeah, some of you may already be on to Tuesday) here's hoping it was splendid and, if not, remember tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities. Sometimes they may not stand out but look for them nonetheless. Seek it out and one may be surprised by the reward it gives.

Enjoy your updates!


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ramble from Rebelrsr

Goody for us. Rebelrsr sent us a ramble.
I've been working on this email a while. In fact, I went through the archives here to try and find the original ramble that started it all. So far, I'm all the way back to December with no sign of it... Ah, well. That's not important, I guess. It was a comment about feedback and its importance to fic writers.

I'm a late bloomer to the world of fanfiction, and I have to admit I was very good at reading and running. It never occurred to me that I should be doing anything more. Once I began writing, though, the little Feed the Bard buttons moved way up on my priority list. It's more than just an ego stroking - although, that's nice. Sometimes, after a twelve hour work day, getting the muse excited about squeezing in four or five hours of writing (mixed with house cleaning and cooking) is nearly impossible. Even those 'Great fic. PMS' reviews are crucial then. I may write because I love it...and the muse won't let me sleep if I don't, but I hate to leave readers hanging.

Outside my own need for a little gratification, reviews have saved some of my fics from the recycle bin or the dreaded 'To Be Finished Some Other Lifetime' file. They've made plot suggestions that have reenergized the muse. I even got one that was so funny I had to include a quote in the next chapter of one of my fics.

The point (and I do have one) is: Don't underestimate the power of feedback. It keeps us going back to the keyboard and ignoring all the little tasks that we should be doing. The next time you read a fic, let the author know how he/she did and don't be afraid to make a suggestion or two.

Chris (aka rebelrsr)

There you have it, straight from the fingers of a counts. Please be sure to thank Chris for sending us this ramble and don't forget the feedback.


Saturday, March 22, 2008


Today was the "Eggstravaganza" event my daughter so patiently has waited for. She with thousands of other children stood in the sunshine at the local high school stadium to shove as many candy and treat filled plastic eggs into a sack.

I'd say she did well with the huge crowds. Much better than I. Being the one to avoid crowds I decided I needed to get myself into shape for Disneyland this summer. Hence the punk-o-lunk walked away with a bag full of candy (we left the plastic eggs for them to reuse next year) and I walked away with a headache.

On that note go enjoy your updates!


Friday, March 21, 2008


Left our dump of a hotel around 10 am this morning and hit the door of my house a little after 4. Of course, we didn't rush and made a few stops on the way. Mom had to be dropped off. Comics were picked up because I couldn't go without getting my fix for the week. Max was happy to see us and I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight.

Enjoy the updates.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Flying By

Too many projects and absolutely not enough time. Hence Thursday is over and I've yet to finish the projects that were to be completed Thursday morning. Oh well, here's hoping Friday has better results.

Enjoy your updates!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

On the Road

I'm typing this as we drive down I-35 in Texas. So far I've only wanted to kill the kids twice, which for a 3 hour car drive isn't too bad. Don't ask me how many times I wanted to kill Duncan while I was trying to get us out the door this morning. What is it about being twelve and wanting to move as slow as possible?

Once we hit the hotel we may pay a visit to a Wax/Ripley's Believe It or Not museum in Grapevine. That should get some of their energy worked out and allow us to rest up for a day at Six Flags tomorrow.

Now I'm typing from my lovely room. New plan is to head to a mall after we eat (Ripley's closes at 5) to let Cal run off some of his I've been stuck in the car most of the day energy. Tomorrow he'll be pooped thanks to a full day at Six Flags. Wish me luck.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Announcements & Housekeeping

Tonight we've added a new author to our links page. Welcome Rebelrsr, she has a new site which has been added to our Grunt's Checklist. Perhaps we can get her to step forward and send us a ramble?

Also anyone have a clue as to what happen to Amy Boatman's Xenacast site? Over the next few days I'll be cleaning up and moving some of the less active sites down to our irregularly checked area, so if you have a site you would like added please holler this is the time! Spring is here and cleaning is all around.

On another note got any words you would like to share? It's been a while since one of you stepped up to the mic. Opportunity is knocking! Email us anytime.

And last but not least an announcement from JM Dragon and company.
In celebration of ten years of writing for the net, JM Dragon will be giving away a book she either authored or co-authored each month for the rest of the year. Simply send Julie ( an email requesting to be entered into the contest. This month's book is a signed copy of New Beginnings.
Now back to the regularly scheduled programming! Enjoy your updates.


Monday, March 17, 2008


The kids are on Spring Break this week. So far they haven't driven me absolutely crazy but it is only Monday. My day has been full with trying to get ready for my trip to Six Flags over Texas on Wednesday. Mom has been itching to go on a trip and she suggested we take the kids to Silver Dollar City for a few days.

Now Silver Dollar City is in Missouri. It's about a six hour drive from where I live. Six Flags is in Dallas, which is around 3 hours away. I decided driving to Dallas was the better choice. The kids will enjoy it just as much as Silver Dollar City and it'll be nice to see how it's changed from when I was a kid. Quite a lot I'm sure.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Easy Sunday

Kind of a slow day. One in which a mixture of chores and relaxation is found. A smooth end to the weekend. Here's hoping the week can be as simple. May you all find something enjoyable in the coming days. Don't forget to look at the little things, opportunities can be anywhere.

Enjoy your updates.


Saturday, March 15, 2008


Unfortunately Hershey's Kisses don't make me any more likely to come up with words for tonight's update. Have at it!


Friday, March 14, 2008

Finally Friday

Question for you all. What is a "real lesbian"? This one was asked in a group I belong to, now I am curious as to what you all think?

On that note I take my leave to zip off to the movies with my daughter. Horton Hears A Who hopefully will be fun.

Enjoy your updates.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Spring Cleaning

I've succumbed to it. My big closet is getting a much-needed cleanout. Not that it's a surprise but I have a lot of action figures. Cal loved when I was organizing them. Unfortunately when he plays with my action figures they often get broken and scattered everywhere. I have to watch him like a hawk and make sure he stays put or I end up finding action figures and accessories all over the house.

After I get through two bins of random paper products I'm going to attempt the massive task of filing my comics. I've got many short boxes of comics that need to be integrated into the alphabetized boxes. Thinking about actually tackling this task is almost overwhelming. But the weather is cool right now and I figure I'd best dive in and get to it. My aching back will not be thanking me.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another night, another update....



Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Yep, I'm lame. Can't think of a thing to ramble on about. Weather here is nice and it's about damn time. Enjoy the updates!


Monday, March 10, 2008

Burned Out

Literally. I feel that way and sadly my computer desktop does as well. I'll pick up a new XP machine tonight. Old machine will go to the graveyard of computers. I did get to salvage the hard drive, obviously the most important part for me. Other than that I spent money on something I really wasn't prepared for, but hey isn't that life?

Enjoy your updates!


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Spring Forward

We moved our clocks up an hour here in the US. I'm looking forward to the longer daylight hours but I sure missed that hour this morning.

My day has been a lazy one. Duncan was off with a friend for the bulk of it. Mike drove to Tulsa with a bunch of folks from the church. Cal and I were left to our own devices. He helped me mop the kitchen and we visited a local park. All in all it was productive and relaxing.

Y'all enjoy the updates.


Saturday, March 08, 2008

Fool I Am

I have dealt with computers a long time. In doing so I have had my fun of tearing them apart and even building them from scratch. Now, I just purchase them like everyone else. However, when it comes to thinking about upgrades memory is as easy as they come. I thought.

Getting the good deal on Ebay is not always the good deal. It seems my one chip of memory may have not been very nice to my favorite XP machine. Hence the poor thing is in the shop to be diagnosed on its chances of survival. If too much money is involved I will have buy a new one, sadly.

Luckily laptops are handy backups and I happen to own one, but I do miss my desktop.

Even amongst that fun, y'all still get your updates. Enjoy.


Friday, March 07, 2008


I have a confession to make. I collect sheep. Easter is fast coming upon us and, as you might imagine, it's a sheep-filled holiday. My sheep collection is nowhere near as bad as my comics or action figure collections. For many sheep items I just take a picture or merely note 'nice sheep thingie' and move on. I really can't justify buying every sheep item I come across. Some of them are just plain ugly or weird after all.

For my birthday E gave me a plush sheep purse. I threatened to use it as a purse while walking near her. She didn't believe me. I may still surprise her with that one day. See how she likes wandering the mall with a woman wearing sheep Converse high tops, my sheep t-shirt, and my lovely sheep purse.


Thursday, March 06, 2008


Still looking to get healthy. Enjoy the updates.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Bribing Mom

My oldest son hates to clean his room. That's normal. Most kids hate to clean their rooms. I certainly didn't enjoy it. Yesterday I bribed him with a new Action Replay (the dog chewed the USB cable of the old one) for his DS. He wasn't to get it until I could see the floor. You've never seen a kid clean a room so fast. E gave me a little bit of hell about it but sometimes I just get tired of the fight. It made both of us happy and now I've got floor in his room...for a while at least.


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Announcement from Jo

Take it away, Jo!
The Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Awards are now accepting nominations from lesbian fiction readers for our 2007 Favorite Book and 2007 Favorite Writer Awards.

To nominate you need only be a reader of lesbian fiction and a member of the Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Awards. There is no form to fill out, no nomination fees to pay, and no book copies to provide. The award recipients are nominated and chosen by the members.

If you aren't already a member, go to:

Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Awards book categories are: Favorite Romance; Favorite Speculative/Sci-Fi/Fantasy; Favorite Adventure; Favorite Mystery; Favorite Anthology/Short Story Collection; Favorite Erotica; and Favorite Humor/Comedy.

For a book to be nominated for the Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Awards, it must have been released between January 1 and December 31, 2007. And it must have 2 main characters that are lesbian.

Nominations will be accepted until March 31st.

Please join the Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Awards where the readers' voices are heard.

Jo Fothergill

Thanks for the announcement and now back to your regularly scheduled updates!


Monday, March 03, 2008


A brief bit of cold has made its way back to my neck of the woods. Last night we even had some spectacular thunderstorms. Cal is getting a good education in what it means to grow up in Oklahoma--tornado warning sirens and an evening of watching the local weather forecasters. I'm looking forward to our warm Spring weather returning.

It's a Buffy kind of night. Welcome back, Through the Looking Glass. Enjoy 'em.


Sunday, March 02, 2008

Weekend Wrap Up

Another weekend comes to a close. The work week lies in waiting. This was supposed to be a holiday week for me but weeks of crap health have left me to once again sit at my desk this week. I'm still not up to par...perhaps another week and I can recapture something that seems lost.

Have a good week. Enjoy your updates.


Saturday, March 01, 2008

Feed the Bards

It's a time of change for me right now and my words just aren't there. Enjoy the P&P updatey goodness. Don't forget that feedback. It keeps 'em writing.
