Monday, January 28, 2008

Ramble from Linda

Yippee! Words from Linda tonight....
The Best Present

Thursday night was my mother's 74th birthday. Family members who live here in Tucson gathered at my house for a party. While we were waiting for Mom to arrive, my nephew Anthony (age 25) was trying to get my nephew David (also 25) to take a bet on something. Asking what was going on, Anthony said he could get his grandmother to swear before the evening was over.

You have to understand that my mother never swears, I mean NEVER. In her words, "It is not ladylike."

Knowing a sucker's bet when we see one, nearly everyone made a bet against Anthony. I made sure that whatever Anthony was going to do would not ruin the night for Mom. He just smiled.

After dinner, it was time for mom's birthday presents. I got Mom a cell phone because she is the hardest person to track down when she is out and about. Among the boys in my family they like to play "Can you top this?" when it comes to mom and her gifts. Each present was topped until it came time for Anthony's present. Anthony and his girlfriend Jessica went up to Mom. Puzzled looks from all of us because they carried no present.

Standing on either side of mom they whispered in her ears. Mom's eyes nearly popped out as she yelled "NO SHIT" and started hugging Jessica. Anthony started collecting his winnings. Of course we were asked "What did you say?" He just smiled and walked back to his grandmother. Mom stopped hugging Jessica long enough to say "I'm going to be a great-grandmother!!" Not only did Anthony win the bet but also gave the top present.

It has been nine years since there has been a baby in the family. The baby is due in September near Anthony's birthday. I'm going to be a great-aunt and I can't wait to start spoiling the next generation of children.


Congrats to Linda and her family are definitely in order. Enjoy the updates!


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