Thursday, January 03, 2008

And the Bronze goes to....

Both E and my mother have beaten me to the punch when it comes to removing all of the holiday decorations around the house. My tree still sits there, adorned but unlit, waiting to be put away until next year. I've used the excuse of the kids being off this week to avoid tackling the tree.

It'll be easier next week when I'll have a good two hour chunk with just me and Max at home. I can get all of my bins filled and the area tidied without having to referee a fight. I won't have to worry about Cal wanting to help and then doing nothing but play with the ornament that's shaped like a video game controller (complete with buttons and sound). I can work without the strains of Guitar Hero III in the background. I'm heartily sick of Paint It Black.

I do believe this weekend I'll have Mike put away the lighted, moving reindeer in the front yard. I can thank my mother-in-law for that little piece of festive sculpture. We were really good about turning it on the first week he put it up but I think it's stayed off most of December. I keep hoping someone will think it's keen and cart it off one night. Think my chances would be better if we left it up through January?


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