Monday, June 12, 2006

Ramble from Ri

Tonight we have another author ramble for y'all. So getting to it, here is Ri.
I got the original spark for Murder Inc. from watching an old movie about a woman assassin. She was really good but in the end she gets killed by her boss who she was also having an affair with. I didn't like the way it ended but I thought that it was an original concept. So I put it on the back burner and waited for an idea that would work.

Then one day, I was working on this story about a woman going Christmas shopping, which she hated, and gun fire went off. She saved a woman behind the counter at Macy's and that made me think about the movie. I changed the plot around till I made her the person in charge of the agency and the person she saved was Patty. The front of a software company came from just my interest in software and I love toys so that was just my mind going. The rest of the plot just evolved naturally from there.

I don't pre-plot stories because they don't come out very well. I like to just go with the flow. My first draft is always in long hand. I feel closer to the story that way than if I type it. I also don't think it comes out as well if I don't write with pen and paper first. One of my quirks as a writer.

Yes, I always loved mysteries. The first books I read were Ellery Queen Novels. I loved them. Then Agatha Christie, and through her Dorothy Sayers. I love puzzles but I don't like them to be gory for gore's sake. The modern mysteries I like are by Carolyn Hart, PD James, Rita Mae Brown's Mrs. Murphy books (I love those because the animals are smarter than the people) and Dan Brown.

I have a huge love of reading. Not only do I read fan fiction, I love Science Fiction, biography, anything with history and archeaology. I have read a lot of classics including, Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austin, Lousia May Alcott, Victor Hugo and Charles Dickens. I think that my love of reading sparked off my love of writing. I remember writing a Star Trek Fan Fiction story in the library in college when I was supposed to be studying for midterms.

I have written most of my life. The first story I remember writing was when I was 6 years old. It was about an incident when I was 4 years old and involved a dare and a raw hot dog and me getting really sick. The first formal story I remember writing was a Greek myth when I was about eight.

Well I rambled long enough. I hope you enjoy Murder Inc, which does not ramble like I do.


Hey, everyone, let's all thank Ri for coming by and make sure to check out her new book. Read Ri's stories at She also has a yahoo group:

Now off to the updates. Enjoy,

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