Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Check Me

In the course of cleaning Duncan's room, I uncovered the final missing piece to his teaching chess set. What's that? It's a set that has the acceptable moves for each piece printed on the back of each piece. Mike bought it for Duncan years ago when he was teaching him chess.

Cal likes to think he plays chess. His version is called Check Me. It entails you lining up your pieces (in no particular order), then you move a piece next to the other player's piece and say "check me" while knocking it over. It's a lot of fun especially with the Lord of the Rings chess set.

Cal discovered the teaching chess set when I pulled it down from the closet shelf and he, of course, wanted to play. He wrangled Mike into it who vainly tried to show him how to play real chess. Here's their last exchange:

Mike: [Moving his knight near Cal's pawn.] "I'm moving my knight right here, now what do you want to do?"

Cal: [Putting his finger to his mouth and looking thoughtful.] "Hmmmm...how about we have a horsey race?"

Something tells me the teaching chess set might need to wait another year for Cal.


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