Tuesday, October 27, 2015


You could almost believe Shakespeare had never seen rain when you read lines such as The quality of mercy is not strain'd,It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven and then you look out of the window at the monsoon and think "gentle rain?? Hah!!".

We've had torrential rain all day today.

Still is chucking it down.

In spite of the Met Office website informing me that it should now be grey cloud with a precipitation probability of less than 5%.

They need to stick their heads out of the door. Coming down in stair-rods it is.

The ferrets aren't keen on it. They don't mind a little light drizzle, (in fact they enjoy that), but they are definitely not impressed with a torrential downpour. They do not want to come out and play in that.

Mind you, I can't say as I blame them. I'm not overly fond of getting drenched whilst standing in the garden, like a plonker who hasn't the sense to come in out of the rain, either.


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